the rise of class d

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*at the library study group of class d for the midterm exam*

Kiyotaka POV *right now I need to be a leader for my mission... I need to put on a fake impression for I really need to smile for this?... "Sigh" This will be a pain*

Kiyotaka : ok it's good to see almost everyone here... So let's start with a chart

*kiyotaka pulled out a white board with the class d grades and information*

Kiyotaka POV *"sigh" I literally needed to begged chabashira-sensei for this information*

Kiyotaka : well I asked chabashira-sensei for this and the top four subjects that this study group will be doing for the next week is math‚science‚chemistry and AP... So I hope we can work with each other in peace for our future... Is there any questions?

*after a few seconds of silence*

Kiyotaka : all right if there isn't any questions we can start right now shall we.

*after two hours*

Kiyotaka POV *well everything seems to be going to my plan and smoothly... But I noticed that the top idiots that keep on asking us the most generic and simple questions... Those three are sudo‚ike and yamauchi... But sudo seems to be most ok out of the three of then for now... Thanks to my assistance everything is flowing smoothly... I even prevented sudo from leaving earlier because of Horikita and him fighting*

Kiyotaka : ok it's dark outside I think this should do for the day... Thank you all for your cooperations I hope to see all of you tomorrow at the same time

*as everyone packed up and leave hirata Pat's my shoulder before leaving he said*

Hirata : hey good job for assisting the study group for now I'm really surprised of that entrance two hours ago

Kiyotaka : umm... Thanks I guess... But it's only natural for me to help my classmates so you don't need to thank me... So see you tomorrow I'll be heading out

Hirata : yeah see you tomorrow

Kiyotaka POV * it went much smoother than I anticipated*

*night arrives*

*Kiyotaka POV *well that went smoothly...... I'm going to buy some yogurt*

*as kiyotaka walked to the super market he sees Horikita walking to the side of the building without any camera's so he realized that what bussiness she's doing is off public to see*

?? : you should drop out now...

Kiyotaka POV : *who's that person... Is... Is that... Yep that's the students council president (SCP) Manabu Horikita...they must be siblings or at least family members...the coincidence are way to much*

Horikita : but... But why... You know that I'm not dumb

Manabu : then why did you end up in class d...

Horikita : I'll... I'll reach (class a) soon so-

Manabu : stop dreaming and just drop out

Manabu : stop dreaming and just drop out

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