"good to see you guys again"

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*As morning Thursday arrived chabashira sensei got out of the room of class d as ayanokoji entered it*

Ayanokoji : well it's been a week since I've last saw you guys... So I'll do my part and you guys need to do your part so just cooperate and we're cool ok

Yamauchi : so your just gonna forget what you did to me exactly one week ago!?

*ayanokoji's expression turned cold*

Ayanokoji : why?... You want me to do it again?

Yamauchi : n-no

Ayanokoji : then shut up... Because if you want me to do it again... I'll be more brutal this time...

*with that the idiot yamauchi just sat there like the idiot he is and didn't mutter a word against ayanokoji*

Ayanokoji : well let's get started then.

Hirata : s-so what are you going to do to us... Academic physical or... Psychological?

Ayanokoji : well today we'll do both academic and physical... First is academic... I'll do what I did to class C here... I'll bash your heads against the table when I see you not paying attention to me session... I'm warming you sleepy heads... I don't care what your excuse is... I'll bash your head up

*with that the whole of class d just froze and payed attention to ayanokoji... Just ayanokoji*

Ayanokoji : ok let's get started... Get your note books and pay attention to me right now... I don't care if you write what I'm saying but I highly advise you to do so...

*as class d prepared to do ayanokoji's order except... Koenji... As expected*

*as sudo whisper so ayanokoji couldn't hear him*

Sudo : oi Koenji get your noted out or else ayanokoji will see your dumb ass just looking at his reflection

*as ayanokoji walked towards Koenji*

Sudo : well your f*cked...

Koenji : what do you need ayanokoji?

Ayanokoji : what I need from you is to follow my orders and get your note books out and pay attention

Koenji : hah!you really thought a perfect being like me would follow your orders... You should be honored to see another perfect being like yourself to me ayanokoji boy

*as Koenji got up ayanokoji round house kicked him with inhumane speed and when it impacted Koenji it created a inhumane sound... Almost Like a gun or a whip...but to everyone's surprise Koenji just stopped ayanokoji's kick with his hand as Koenji then said*

Koenji : you... Held back didn't you

*with Koenji's words class d thought how in the world can ayanokoji's kick get any faster*

Me : ok to explain it to you guys in my Research on Koenji and his strength and specialty from the creator himself said in a novel or article I'm not sure but I'm sure that he said that Koenji is so smart that he can detect a person's strength just by sensing it's heat released by the individuals skin... I know some of you don't believe me but it's true... In the name of Jesus I'm telling you guys the truth about my research

Ayanokoji : huh.. You can sense my strength don't you

Koenji : abviously a perfect being like me should be able to detect it... You didn't even put a single effort to it... Not even half...

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