class celebration

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Masayoshi : h-hey this is getting out of hand now..

Masumi : y-yeah... Katsuragi help us will you this is a celebration not a honeymoon can't you stop Ayanokoji and Arisu

Katsuragi : what do you want me to do?

Masayoshi : I don't know, think of something anything in fact just stop them!

Masumi : hey Masayoshi...

Masayoshi : what?

Masumi : are you jealous or something?

Masayoshi : no why would I?

Katsuragi POV :*"sigh" They're at it again... Just arguing and not helping...*

Class-A student : um... Katsuragi?

Katsuragi : yeah?

Class-A student : why don't you guys just offer Ayanokoji or Arisu to sing so they can be seperate in their... "Session" For now?

Katsuragi : t-thats... A brilliant idea!... Thanks!
*as Katsuragi went to Ayanokoji and Arisu with a microphone*
Katsuragi : hey Ayanokoji!

Ayanokoji POV :*finally they thought of something to stop this...*

Ayanokoji : yeah?

Katsuragi : why don't you sing with us come on its a party

*Ayanokoji looked at Arisu and raised one of his eyebrow*

Arisu :..."sigh" Fine ok......

*Ayanokoji got up and took the microphone from katsuragi*

Ayanokoji : ok then let's start the party

Arisu POV :*well... I guess I'll let him off the hook for now...*
*finally after Arisu and Ayanokoji's lovey-dovey moment was over when Katsuragi asked Ayanokoji to join them in the party. Everyone was finally comfortable... Especially Ayanokoji*
*10 minutes later*
Ayanokoji POV :*well... I guess that's it... I've finished the song...*
*Masayoshi and Masumi brought a lot
Of food... With a litre soda*
Masayoshi : ok I have a challenge for you Ayanokoji!

*Masayoshi placed the litre of soda*

Masayoshi : now let's see how big and how strong your stomach is genius!

Ayanokoji POV :*Is... Is he drunk?... Oh well there's no way he's drunk I'm pretty sure that alcohol is for the teachers only...*
*6.9 seconds later*
*Ayanokoji finished the litre of soda*

Ayanokoji : there i finished your challenge...

Class-A : w-what?!

Masumi : t-thats... No way... The world record for drinking a litre of soda is 6.8 seconds.... Y-you... I know you can beat it you weren't even serious when you drank it!...

Ayanoloji POV :*but that's not healthy...*
*Arisu pulled Ayanokoji's collar and kisses him*

Arisu : well would you look at that... You have an even sweeter lips this time... Let's continue where we left off shall we?... Darling~

Class-A POV :*oh no... They're at it again...*
*at the celebration party of class-B and class-D*
Yamauchi/idiot#1 : ohhh! The foods are so good!!! Let's party everyone!!!!

Ichinose : i-is... Is he drunk or something?

Hirata : no he's... Just enjoying the party after that week long Island exam... Let's just let him be...

Horikita : yeah......

Sudo : are you ok Horikita?

Horikita : yeah I'm ok.... I'm just a little down...

Ichinose : hey don't be down! We still have benefits after the island exam and we did our best so let's just enjoy the party

Sudo : yeah Ichinose is right we should just enjoy the party we did our best

Horikita : I know what you guys mean but... Ayanokoji... He read and understood the whole exam... Like a book... His understanding in the exam far surpasses mine... I should've also found some loopholes for our advantages... We could've done better...

Hirata : hey come on... We still did amazingly well and our benefits to our class points are good too

Horikita : well I guess you're right... I'm sorry for bringing the mood down...

Sudo : hey you didn't bring the mood down. Let's just enjoy the party...
*at the celebration party of class-C*
Ibuki : hey Ryuen join us... Everyone's enjoying the party except you

Ryuen :...... I... I'm feeling down... Just enjoy the party without me...

Alber POV :*h-hes... More calmer now... This failure might be good for Ryuen... He might be about to cope around the fact that he's not superior to everyone...*

Albert : hey Ibuki let's just leave Ryuen for a while...

Ibuki : ok...

Albert : Ryuen if you want to join us later we'll be waiting...

Ryuen : ok... Thanks...

Albert : no problem...

*as Albert and Ibuki left the room*

Ryuen POV :*Ayanokoji... You win this is my defeat.... But this isn't over... I'll win next time... And I'm not gonna get fooled by your stupid tricks next time... Mark my words... I'm going to win...*

Me : don't worry Ryuen said it in a friendly way just think of this as a one sided rivalry
-uploaded on December 28 2023
Me : please help me with my creativity... It's at its all time low just comment some ideas for me and I'll definitely look at it... I appreciate any help I can gain... Thank you🙏💕🙏💕

Chapter 34

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