a students life

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*kiyotaka was inside the bus heading to ANHS *
Kiyotaka pov *so I'll be in class d for quite a while... Hope fully just a year... I might get dumber because of my environment surrounded by idiots*

*as kiyotaka sees an old lady standing up as he sees a short blonde haired girl about to help the old lady he instantly got up and asked the lady*

Kiyotaka : ma'am are you alright you can have my seat if you'd like

Old lady : oh really... Well thank you young man I hope I didn't bother you much

Kiyotaka : it's no problem

*due to kiyotaka having a family like relationship with the Sakayanagi residents he has gained more sympathy to others... But don't misunderstand this... His actions is actually better for his image for this should be able to chat with others and
He knows he can spread his identity and he can gain as much "pawns"as possible and as quickly as possible... He knows for a fact that atleast two or one student will talk to him because he sees their face and deep personality*

Kiyotaka pov * this should do for now... There is about three candidates that should be able to talk to me... That short blond haired girl with a worried expression...but I doubt that the outside expression she gives is her real face...is she wearing a personality mask?...Leaving that aside... Second that pink long haired girl with a warming expression and seems to have been glancing at me... Third a black long haired girl with a cold expression and just reading a book... They are the candidates at least one or two should talk to me by the end of the bus*

Kushida : umm... That was nice of you to help that lady

Kiyotaka : thank I guess... But it doesn't require much effort for it

Kushida : but you did it yourself and didn't wait for someone else to do it so it was nice of you...also my name is Kushida. Yours?

Kiyotaka : ayanokoji kiyotaka. Nice to meet you

Kushida : nice to meet you too

Kiyotaka pov * well this should do for now I wonder will she be useful for me?... She does give off a fake expression *

Me : by my research it was stated that "kiyotaka can see people's deepest desires and their real personality with ease and he could even make them admit Their darkest desires to him"

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