Ayanokoji's group

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Ayanokoji : two class-D one students of each class from Class-C-A... Well this will certainly be interesting...




*a few days later*
Me : ps I took inspiration from the anime (season 3)

*as Ayanokoji entered a room as he sees his members*

*as Ichinose sees Ayanokoji she greets him happily*

Ichinose : good morning Ayanokoji!

Ayanokoji : Good morning Ichinose...

Ichinose : so what do you think we'll do for now?

*as Ichunose moves closer almost touching Ayanokoji's body*




Ayanokoji POV :*she really has no sense about people's space and boundaries does she...*




Ayanokoji : I don't know, but I guess we'll have to wait for now...

Ichinose : okie!

Sudo POV :*he really is a chick magnet isn't he... Lucky...*

*as Ayanokoji walked next to Hiyori*

Ayanokoji : hey Hiyori... Let's talk... Outside

Hiyori : um... Ok...

*as they walk outside leaving everyone questioning the situation*

Sudo : don't tell me he's a double timer...

Horikita : don't make conclusions Sudo we don't know the situation yet

Ichinose : but the situation is... Questionable and scandalous...




*at outside*

Hiyori : s-so what do you want to t-talk about Ayanokoji?

Ayanokoji : I believe I owe you an apology...

Hiyori : about what?

Ayanokoji : about my encounter with your class and Ryuen... I may have gone too harsh with my words... Look I just don't want trouble so I'm sorry and I just said those words so you know my capabilities and stop Ryuen from trying to test me

Hiyori : o-oh... Well apology accepted

*Hiyori gave Ayanokoji a warm and welcoming smile as Ayanokoji gave Hiyori the same warm smile*

Hiyori : but only for one condition

Ayanokoji : ok I'll take a look on what I can do

Hiyori : how about... Some reading sessions? You know we meet up in the library and read in peaceful silence

Ayanokoji : ok I can do that

Hiyori : great! Well since we're waiting for an announcement about this exam let's have a reading session?

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