"trouble makers huh"

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*as Monday finally came as Ayanokoji went to class C as he stands outside the door and as the class C's teacher went in*

Kazuma Sakagami : alright everyone listing up... I'm only supposed to teach you for half of our time but I suppose that it'll be better if the study session starts now. I'll leave and the class S student Ayanokoji kiyotaka will make a study sessions each Monday for class C only in Monday and you all better behave because I don't have authority to give Ayanokoji commands so I'll take my leave

*as Kazuma-sensei left Ayanokoji entered the class room and sits on the teachers table*

*as Ayanokoji was sitting quietly his expression becomes cold and his eyes became an endless void*

Ayanokoji : all of you better listen up I won't repeat myself... I'll do my part for this study session and you all better listen and take notes and each Monday I'll test all of you and... If you don't comply... I'll show anyone who don't comply what happens to them so... Your Ryuen kakeru right class C's representative

Ryuen : yeah who's asking?

Ayanokoji POV :*you've gotten to be kidding me... He's not complying at all!!!... "Sigh" I guess he'll be an example for now"

*as ryuen got up and walked closer to ayanokoji*

Ryuen : so you must be Ayanokoji huh... Nobody bosses me around here only I can also boss this class you understand boy

Ayanokoji : you better sit down before I beat you up... Remember there's no cameras here "boy"

*ryuen laugh as he puts his hand on Ayanokoji's shoulder*

Ryuen : your quit funny are you a clown?... Remember nobody bosses me aroun-

*before ryuen finished his sentence ayanokoji dislocated ryuen's shoulder as ryuen resembles a zombie as he screamed out in pain*

Ryuen : Ahhhhhh!! My shoulder you broke it!! You bastard!!!

*as ayanokoji relocated it back to place*

Ayanokoji : let this be an example...if you become distracted in my session I'll dislocate your shoulder and relocate it "ten times" So... Listen to me or else you'll regret it... You boy go back to your seat "boy"

*as ryuen tried to throw a punch to ayanokoji as ayanokoji dodge it and uses ryuen's momentum from the punch and throws ryuen's body to the air and to the floor*

Ayanokoji : stop it already... Your wasting energy... Do you really want to lose teeth that much

*as ryuen got up to his seat

Ryuen POV "* what the hell was that... He just beaten me like I was just a bug... W-why am I shaking... T-there's j-just no way... Is this really fear... No it's impossible... This is bulshit!!... Why... Why is he so strong!?*

Ayanokoji : alright... This will be our plan... Physical test going to be a small part of this session because some of you are already fighters and most of the time well be studying... Do I make my self clear

*most class C student said "yes sir"

Ayanokoji : good let's start now... Bring out your notebooks and take notes and try to memories it... If I caught you not paying attention to me... I'll dislocate and relocate your whole body do I make myself clear

*this time all of class C said "yes sir!" As they took out their note books*

Ayanokoji : ok good let's start

*two hours later*

Ayanokoji : that's why e mc² is equa-

*ayanokoji sees a male student fall asleep as he slowly walked there as ayanokoji was standing besides the male student*

Ayanokoji : oi wake up...

*as the male student is still asleep*

Ayanokoji : this is your last warning... Wake up!

*after a few seconds the male student is still asleep as ayanokoji grabbed his hair and slammed his head to the desktop*

Ayanokoji : so you good boy

Student : ahhh! s-sir please let me go it hurts

*ayanokoji slammed the male student's head once more*

Ayanokoji : fix your damn sleeping schedule boy

*as the student was crying in pain while the others were shocked and speechless from ayanokoji's brutality*

Student : y-yes sir!

Ayanokoji : good

*as ayanokoji walked back to the board and continued the class*

*another two hours passed*

Ayanokoji : ok that's our review for today now I want everyone to go to the gym we will do the physical test...now!

*as everyone went to the gym as ayanokoji then got in the gym with a colder expression than before*

Ayanokoji : I will warn Everyone this will be... Hel

*the whole of class C embraced themselves for what training is coming first them*

Ayanokoji : I will give everyone the same test and even though there is a lot of you here I can easily analized whose lying here so let's get started... First 75 push-ups next go to the treadmill and do a 2 kilometer run next do 30 pull ups and take a rest you all have two hours now ...start!

*as everyone started boys and girls as 10 minutes later half of the class finishes the push-ups while the other half is exhausted after they hit the 30 minutes Mark everyone finished the push-ups and two students almost fainted but Ayanokoji only throwed cold ice water to them as they run on the treadmill almost half of the class fainted but ayanokoji just gave them the "killing intent eyes" To continue*

*one and a half hour later everyone finished while some are resting on the floor and on the bench*

Ayanokoji : good job everyone ten minutes break....

*as everyone was flabbergasted on the short time break their souls were shattered when ayanokoji said*

Ayanokoji : you all did a pretty good "warm up"

*the chairman Mr sakayanagi was watching from above to see what test ayanokoji gave class C*

Mr sakayanagi : w-wait!..ayanokoji you don't have to give them your training Regime...

Ayanokoji : what?... That's training Regine of mine was literally when I was six...

Class C POV : *what is he talking about there's no way a six year old can possibly do that*

Mr sakayanagi : yes I know

Class C POV :*naaannnnniiiiiii!?!? How is that possible!? *

Mr sakayanagi : I think this is enough just ene the day for now please

Ayanokoji : as you wish sir... You all heard the chairman! You can go to the cafeteria now and rest for the day

*as everyone was leaving still speechless from the training regime of ayanokoji when he was six! But little did ayanokoji know one of the class C student have a micro recorder as it recorder all of their conversation the whole day as the student will spread the audio around the school to cause havoc*

Ayanokoji POV : *I guess that's it that went well than I expected from class C but tomorrow will be class b... I guess I'll go home to take a break for today... "Sigh" Oh well... I'll buy some yogurt in the convinient store... And go home after that*

-uploaded on November 2 2023

Chapter 8

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