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*day 4 afternoon*

Horikita : so how's everyone?

Ichinose : well everyone seemed to be resting and in good condition

Hirata : I've checked class C's footage and there is a black figured that attacked their camp... Do you guys think it's Bigfoot?

Horikita : nonsense there's no way that's Bigfoot

Kushida : let's talk about that later some students need medical care

Horikita : your right let's investigate later... The injured students are definitely our most priority right now
*they went to their main camp where the injured students are resting*
Horikita : how's everyone kei?

Kei : everyone's ok but... Ayanokoji is the most injured out of everyone here

Hirata : we you able to identify Ayanokoji's injuries Kei?

Kei : well Yuki is already assisting Ayanokoji's injuries... Ayanokoji has a dislocated shoulder two dislocated ribs and a 5 inch wound by his tricep that's already bandaged, while Yamamura has already relocated Ayanokoji's shoulder and ribs

Hirata : ok that's good news
*kurui enters the main camp*
Kurui : ok I've got some good news, I've contacted the school board members and they said in 3 days they'll arrive to get us

Hirata : so this exam is cancelled?

Kurui : yep but they'll still evaluate our progress at day 3 since everyone was almost finished with their camp base, they also said that they have already informed class A about this and we need to meet up with them

Kushida : so what about class C's camp?
*flash back from the night before*

*class C students ran towards class B and D's camp for refuge*

*as everyone is assisting class C and the injured students they looked at the dark night sky as sees a redish atmospera*

Hirata : hey what's happening there's a fire from the east side of the island!

Hirata : hey what's happening there's a fire from the east side of the island!

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*that's where class C's camp was*
*flask back ends*
Hirata : unfortunately it burned down and turned to ash... Fortunately it didn't cause Any fire in the forest... I don't know how but it just happened

Horikita : also Ayanokoji has shared his footage when he made the dummies to make it seems that their still in their camp hence he was seen in class C so his story clears out for any  suspicions...
*at the medical camp where Ayanokoji is resting*
Yuki : are you feeling alright now?

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