"an uncomfortable situation"

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*as ayanokoji went back to the group without anyone noticing that he was gone but ayanokoji still is uncomfortable about the white room agents monitoring him and his group in the mall*

*as they were walking around the mall and they encounter a piano with a sign* "free to play"

*as sudo's eyes brighten*

Sudo : hey ayanokoji play the piano

Ayanokoji : whyy?

Sudo : oh please everyone has seen the video of you playing the piano... We just want to see it in person

Ayanokoji : what do you mean "we" It's only you who want to see me play it

*as ayanokoji looked back at the group he sees them looking at him with curious eyes and a bright expression wanting him to play*

Ayanokoji : it's still a no...

*with that everyone's expression change from a bright one to a sad one*

Arisu : come on play it... Just for me?

*ayanokoji went to the piano and sat down the chair*

*Everone is surprised and flabbergasted*

All exept arisu POV : *he'd really do anything for her huh...*

*ayanokoji plays the classical but hard piece of Mozart*

*as ayanokoji plays mozart slowly and elegantly for the first three minutes as a crowd forms around the group like what happened last time with ayanokoji and arisu. After those three minutes ayanokoji speeds up the rhythm as some of the audience jaw dropped on how perfectly ayanokoji plays the piano three more minutes passed as ayanokoji cranks up the speed to the max as now everyone in the audience are jaw dropped and some are recording ayanokoji four minutes later ayanokoji finished as the crowd claps their hands and cheers ayanokoji... As ayanokoji didn't realize that there was a crowd since he was laser focused on the piano*

Sudo : that was amazing ayanokoji!

Hirata : yeah I'm glad to see it with my own eyes this time

Chihiro ; i-i think we should go now there's way too many people here

*as Everone agreed to leave some students got in the way of ayanokoji*

Female student #1 : um that was an amazing play can you tell us your name and class?

Female student #2 : hey don't you know him... He's ayanokoji kiyotaka the class S student he's literally the number one in this school!

Female student #1 : w-wait really?! It's so nice to meet you

Female student #3 : c-can I have your number?

Ayanokoji : sorry I'm already taken

Female student #3 : w-wait really

Female student #2 : you seriously don't know him do you... He's dating the class leader of (class a) arisu sakayanagi

Ayanokoji POV :*this is seriously creepy on how much she knows about my private life how much does everyone in this school already know*

*with that an awkward encounter happed as ayanokoji then excuses himself and his group to leave*

Ike : I really envy you on how much attention you have on the girls...

*ayanokoji looked at Ike with a cold gaze and a murderous aura*

Ayanokoji : first of all you should get to a higher class if you want attention second of all I already have a girlfriend so I have no interest in other girls

Ike : y-yeah sorry...

*as ayanokoji changed his vibe to a bright one*

Ayanokoji : so where do you want to go next arisu?

Everyone except arisu POV :*he really is something... How can he change that much when he isn't talking to us but to arisu*

Arisu : well I wanted to go to the books store

Ayanokoji : what book do you want?

Arisu : I wanted to improve my culinary abilities so just a normal cooking book for baking and frying.. We could go there later

Ayanokoji : ok no problem

*as the group continues to explore the mall*

*thirty minutes later*

*some of the students in the group parted ways for now or at least an hour and went to the arcade*

*as ayanokoji then grabbed arisu's hand*

Ayanokoji : seems like everyone is pretty busy so why don't we go to the book store for now and get back here?

Arisu : yeah sure seems like it's the perfect timing

*as ayanokoji and arisu parted ways with the rest of the group for now and went to the book store*

Ayanokoji : so we're here... what kind of book are you going to buy?

Arisu : well I wanted to try baking

*as ayanokoji grabbed a baking book for all types of cake and cookies*

*as atsuomi is in the security room looking at ayanokoji through the cameras*

Atsuomi POV :*he just left the other group to be alone with sakayanagi's daughter just to buy a book...he's got priority...he's becoming more... Human... Well I hope that this is good news*

*as they leave the book store and purchased the baking book*

*ayanokoji and arisu re grouped with the others*

*as they enjoyed the rest of the afternoon in the mall with the others*

*night arrives and the students in the group has parted ways to go home as arisu and ayanokoji went back to their seperate dorms*

*end of chapter*

-uploaded on November 8 2023

Me : this is such a boring chapter I just wanted to finish the mall afternoon group shopping... It's so boring I didn't know what to put there I'm very sorry for this... I'm really disappointed on such a boring chapter that I made... If any of you guys have any suggestions I'll take a look and hope that I can add it as well

Chapter 16

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