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"Good friends are like stars; you don't always see them but you know they are around."

                                                                                                                                          ~ Unknown

If you ask me what is love, I'll say it is the feeling that I have for my parents and my family, it is the feeling that they have for me, it is the feeling that one has for someone special and it is the feeling that I have for my friend Cara.

Life is not a joke. You face all sorts of problems in the limited time you spend on this planet. But then some people just make it worth facing the problems. There are few for whom you are ready to face the same problem again and again. There are people who don't hurt you even when they have actually hurt you. There are people whom you simply love; there is no reason. You'll spend your entire life thinking why do you love them, but even then you won't get the answer. This is what has happened with me.

Cara is my best friend, my soul mate, my sister, my angel and the list goes on. I can't describe her importance in my life but I can surely tell you that she is the reason why I am alive. Each day has been wonderful with her. But then nothing is perfect. Even the moon has scars so why not our relationship. We faced endless problems in our lives which somehow brought our friendship to the verge of ending. But if something is meant forever then it will be forever. And so "we" survived.

Sometimes when you think there are no more problems in your life, just wait for a while and you'll have even a bigger problem in front of you. This happened with us as well. After going through all the worst and best phases of our lives together, we realized there is something left.

If you think that forever doesn't exist in today's world, then I am sorry, but we do. I love my best friend, I seriously do.

Welcome to our world.

Hello readers! Thank you for choosing my book to read. This is my first ever book and on the basis of the reviews that I get, I'll decide whether I can write another or not. So do tell me about your thoughts. 

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