Chapter 5

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"Love is anterior to life, posterior to death, initial of creation and the exponent of breath." ~ Emily Dickinson

"Hey Cara, what are you doing?" I asked her over the phone. "Hey Ashley! Nothing much dear. I was looking for some clothes to buy" she replied. "Umm.. can you come over to my place? I need to talk to you about something." "Ash, is everything alright? You sound so tensed and unhappy. Have you been crying? Tell me dear, what is it" she asked. "Cara I can't tell you anything over the phone. Just please come to my place and do bring Jay along with you. Come quick" I sobbed. "Baby, I'll be there in a few minutes. And I'll bring Jay too. Just hold on. Don't cry dear, please" and she hung up the phone.

After some time I heard noise in the living room downstairs and I knew it that they had arrived. "Ash! What is it sis? What's wrong? Why are you sitting down here on the floor and crying?" Jay asked even when he was short of breath. "Ash. What is the matter? Tell us please! We'll die of the anxiety!" Cara said. "Ca..ara.. re..remember ww..we went to the Mrs. Rooo...dr....driguez last month wh..when you were not we..well...." I said as I sobbed. "Yes I do. What happened Ash?" Cara said. "Mrs. Rooo...dr....driguez ca..ll..ed to tell me that..." and I started crying out loud. "She said what Ash?" Jay asked. "She sa..said th..that Ca..Cara won't sur...survive more as she h..has bl...blood ca..cancer." "WHAT?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN? LOOK AT HER. SHE IS ABSOLUTELY FINE" Jay screamed. Cara just dropped down to the floor. It was just too much for her. "ASH! If this is a joke you better stop! Okay?"Jay shouted. "Wh..why wi..will I j..joke ab..about this? You c..can s.see the re..reports if want" I said. "BUT THIS CAN'T HAPPEN! HOW CAN SHE DIE? HOW CAN YOU DIE CARA?! I HAVEN'T TOLD YOU YET THAT I LOVE YOU! I WOULD DIE IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO YOU" and Jay broke down. Cara was sitting down on the floor beside me and crying when all of a sudden she lifted her head and looked at Jay. "You love me?" Cara asked. "Yes! I love you! And now I'll lose you! God! I hate this! I want to die too! Please don't leave me Cara! Please don't! I would seriously die without you"Jay said. Hearing Jay, Cara started crying even more. "Please don't cry Cara." Jay tried to calm her down. "How can I stop crying Jay? I just came to know that I am gonna die and after that I came to know that the guy whom I have loved for the past two years, loves me back, but now I don't have time to spend with him, how can I not cry?!!" Cara cried out aloud. "You love me too?!"Jay asked. "Yes! I love you too! I love you a lot! I want to be with you! I have always wanted that! But now I'll be leaving everybody! I don't want to go Jay! I don't want to leave you Ash!" Cara cried. Jay enclosed Cara in his arms and tried to console her. But she wouldn't stop crying. She hugged him tighter and cried even more.

"Jay, Cara, I am sorry but I had to do this" I said. "You had to do what Ash?!" Jay said. "Umm... Cara ain't gonna die. This was all a lie so that you two confess about your feelings to each other" I said. "WHAT?! WHAT THE F**K ARE YOU SAYING ASH?! ARE YOU INSANE?! WHO DOES THIS KIND OF JOKE?" Jay yelled at me. For the first time I was happy that someone was scolding me because I know I had done a good job! I know the method wasn't good but then they finally confessed their love for each other. "I am sorry Jay! I am sorry Cara! But you two wouldn't had confessed your feelings ever. I know that. So I had to do this. And don't blame me, it was dad's idea" I said. "Uncle gave you this idea?! Seriously?! "Cara said. "Oops! I wasn't suppose to say this. Seems like he is in trouble" I said. Cara and Jay ran downstairs as fast as they could. I ran behind them. "Uncle!! Where are you?! Why have you started using your brain like the way your daughter does" Jay shouted. "Hey Jay! Umm... Let's forget all this. Congratulations. You just got want you wanted" dad said. "Uncle as a part of your punishment, I won't be going with you fishing anymore" Cara said. Cara and my dad went together to fish. They both loved it and I absolutely hated it. "Oh no Cara! Please don't do this! I did this for you two! Aren't you happy that you got the man of your dreams finally?" Dad said. "Yes I am. But this wasn't good. Anyways I guess I can forgive you" Cara said. "Oh thank you sweetie! I am glad you two are together" dad said. "So everything is resolved now?" I said. "Indeed it is. But I am surprised by the fact that Miss Popular loves me! This is an achievement!" Jay said. "Oh yes boy! It is. But then you are nowhere less" dad said. "Oh true that uncle" Jay said and everybody laughed.

   It was evening now and so we had our evening coffee together and discussed about our trip to Los Angeles next month. I was so happy. My brother and my best friend rather my sister are together! We are going to LA next month. My dad's planned has worked yet again. And currently I was spending time with three of the most important people of my life.

Suddenly, Jay got up from his place and asked Cara to stand as well. She did as she was asked to. Jay took her hand in his and we all knew what was going to happen. "Cara, it's not your beauty that has attracted me. It's your nature, your heart, your attitude that made me fall in love with you. It's YOU who has been ruling my heart for past 1 year. I love you Cara and I'll always do. Will you be mine forever?" Tears dropped from Cara's eyes as she was beyond happy. "YES! I'll always be your Jay! I promise! I love you! I love you so much!" she replied. And then they hugged each other. I looked up at Cara and could read her. Never let me go. Jay had the same thoughts. I smiled to myself. 

When you realize that two people, who are in love, are afraid of losing each other, you can be sure of the fact that they won't leave each other.

When someone is happy, it is easy for them to say that they love you. But if it comes out while they cry, then it has to be the truth.

Not a nice prank, right? Anyways, continue reading, commenting and voting. Means a lot. :)

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