Chapter 30

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"The heart is the only broken instrument that works."

                                                                                                                                  ~ Unknown           

"Somebody call a doctor please!! ASH! Open your eyes dear! Can you hear me?"

"M..may I help you James?"

"MATT! You bastard! Stay away from her. Try and touch her and I'll kill you."

I wasn't completely unconscious as I could hear James. But sometimes, I completely lost track of what exactly was going on. All I knew that I was lying in James' arms. He had picked me up and took me to the ambulance that had came outside.


"Hey James! What happened? How..... Oh my god! Ash! Why is she lying like this James?"

Cara. It was Cara. I wanted to tell her that I was fine, that I was still breathing because I didn't want her to cry and be upset. I was fine. Completely fine. But then I couldn't. I was so weak that I couldn't even lift my fingers. So I let it go. 

I couldn't speak or make any gestures. I was lying there and listening to everybody.

"Cara, I asked her not to! I knew something of this sort would happen! Why didn't she listen to me! Look at her! Look at all these drips and machines and bottles of blood connected to her.It feels so terrible!" 

OH GOD! James was crying. He was crying because of me. He was crying for me. I shouldn't have done this! I should have listened to him. I wanted to hug him. I wanted to tell him that I was sorry. But I couldn't. I was helpless.

"James, don't cry. She'll feel bad if she'll come to know that you cried."

"Cara, she should have thought once before taking this step. We both asked her not to. Yet she did. And Cara, I can't describe it to you the way that a**hole was dancing with her. I just want to knock him down and I will. Once Ash is out of this place, I'll deal with that guy."

"James calm down. Please. She'll be fine. She didn't know exactl....."


"Ash! Hey! Baby don't speak anything. Oh god! She is alright! Cara, stay with her. I'll go and call the doctor." James said and hurriedly left the room.

"Ash, why did you do this? Why didn't you listen to me? Do you think I'll ever tell you anything without a reason? I know how much you love dancing and I would have never stopped you had your health been a bit better. But Ash...."

She broke down. I felt as if I had committed a crime and there is no doubt about this that I had. First James and then Cara, both of them had tried stopping me but I didn't. And now both of them were crying because of me.

"C.....Cara.....I....." I was so breathless. 

"Miss Trevelyan, don't put yourself in trouble." The doctor said as she just came in.

"I.... Wa..."

"Water? You need some water dear?" James asked. I nodded. He hurriedly gave me a glass of water to drink. 

"How do you feel Miss Trevelyan?Headache or something? Nausea? "


"Great. We'll carry out some more tests and then you'll be good to go. But you need a full month bed rest. And this time no carelessness, okay?"

"Of course doctor! Nothing will happen to her this time. I assure you." James said.

"Okay then. Take care Miss Trevelyan." She said and then left.

"Oh Ash! Thank god you are a... okay! I am so sorry! I should have been with you the entire day. It's all my fault."

"Ja.....James. S......sorry."

"Don't Ash. Don't speak anything. Please. Just this time don't do anything of this sort again. Promise me that you won't." James said. 


"Got it."

Cara was holding my hand all this while. The very next moment she gave me a hug.

"Ash! I am so angry with you! Why didn't you listen to us? What if James wouldn't have reached there? What if you had continued dancing? GOD! The mere thought of the outcomes are enough to give me heart attacks . Please don't ever do anything like this ever again." 

She was crying again.

I felt bad. I felt really really bad. I never thought I would make her cry so much. But there is a sad truth about our lives. The one who loves you the most, the one who can't see a drop of tear falling from your eyes, the one who is ready to do anything and everything for your smile is the same person who makes you cry the most, who has given you the maximum number of heart breaks and is the same who has disturbed you the most. But the beautiful part about this is that you don't mind. You never do. And that is what makes every problem worth facing.

"Cara, I'll go and get some medicines for her. You give her the rest. The nurses will come in a awhile. So, just stay with her. I'll be back."

He lied. He lied because he didn't want to break down in front of me. He lied because all this was just too painful for him. He lied because he blamed himself for all this. But the reality was that I was the one who had done all this. I was the one who had brought all these miseries. 

"Don't think about him much, Ash. He'll be fine. He is just very much disturbed by something. Once you are alright, he'll be good. Now take these pills and sleep. If those nurse come, I'll wake you."
She gave me the medicines and then kissed my forehead. 

 I took a little nap before the nurses came. They did some blood tests and looked through some MRI reports. After 3 hours, I was discharged. But I was not in a position to walk all by myself. So none other than my prince carried me all the way from the hospital room to the car and then from the car to my room. 

 James left after some time as he had to take her mother for some check up. I felt bad for him. He was continuously running from here and there and it was all because of me. I was just his girl friend at the moment but still had become a burden to him. 

It was night now and James still hadn't come back. Cara had called her to know about his whereabouts. He had told her that he'll be back by midnight. I was worried for him but then Cara helped me out to get out of those thoughts as they gave me severe headaches.

 "Ash, you must sleep now. I'll stay awake. Once James is back home, I'll sleep. Okay?"


"Yes sweetie."

"Will you sleep by my side. Please? I am....I am scared. "

The very next moment, she lied down beside me. I was holding her hands. For some reason I was very nervous. I couldn't figure out why. But she helped me calm down. Soon, I dozed off to sleep. 

Hoping James is okay. Well, he must be right? Thank you for reading. :)

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