Chapter 11

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 "The best things mostly happen unexpectedly."

                                                                                                                          ~ Unknown

6 months had passed since my father died and I was doing pretty well. I no longer cried in front of everyone nor did I acted weak in front of them. I was now strong enough to handle me in the crowd and the entire credit goes to Cara. She was the one who stood with me all these days.  

   One thing had changed over these days. I had made a new friend. He was someone who had always ruled my heart. Yes. It's James. Few days after the school had reopened, he had come to me. I was so shocked by his action.


"Hey Ashley. Do you mind if I talk to you for a while?" he asked. "Oh! Hey James. Umm... It...its' completely fine. Sit please" I said. "I know it's a silly question to ask, but how are you?" he asked. JAMES TAYLOR WAS TALKING TO ME. THE MAN OF MY DREAMS HAD COME TO ME ALL BY HIMSELF. "I am fine James. Thank you" I replied. "Ashley, do you mind if .....if I ask you to the prom next month?" he said. PROM? ME? OH GOD! "James I am sorry but I am not just in a position to attend a prom event" I replied and this was the truth. "Yeah I know Ashley. But...But I wanted to take you to the prom" he said. What was going on? James wants to take ME to the prom? This was too much! I looked for Cara around the class but couldn't find her. At last I saw her standing near the door and looking at us. She had a big smile on her face and I knew it from her reaction that she had done something. "Ashley? Are you okay? Look it's completely fine if you don't want to go with me. But do come, okay? he said. "Oh! James I..I would love to go with you" I said. Just then Cara came. "Hey Ash! Hey James! You people talking about prom?" she said. "Hey Cara. I.I.. was j.just asking you..your friend to th..the prom" James said. Gosh! This man was nervous! "Oh I see! Ash would definitely come! Don't worry about it! Right Ash?" Cara said. "I would?" I said. "Oh yes! She will. Now if you don't mind can I talk to her for a while James?" she said. "Oh sure! Thank you Ash! Thank you so much Cara" he smiled at her and left. "What is going on Cara? What did you do?" I asked her. "Oh Ash! Don't worry! I just kept my promise" she said. "Which promise Cara?" I asked. "Remember, I had promised you that I will bring the man of your dreams to you? See, I did that" she said. "What? How did you do that Cara? Did you tell him something?" I asked. I was so nervous. "Not much. But yeah I did tell him that you have loved him for past 7 years" Cara said. WHAT THE F**K?! THIS GIRL JUST TOLD MY CRUSH THAT I HAD A CRUSH ON HIM? "Are you insane Cara? Why did you do that?" I asked. I was so embarrassed all of a sudden. "Oh Ash! Don't worry about that. I know that this guy loves you. I thought so a month back but now I am confirmed. And by the way sweetheart, he has even confessed that to me. So you should just relax and thank me" she said. WHAT? JAMES TAYLOR, THE MAN OF MY DREAMS, LOVES ME? NO! THIS CAN'T BE THE TRUTH! "Stop joking Cara!" I said. "This ain't a joke. You'll get to know the truth by next month" she said. Oh god! What was happening? Just then our English teacher entered. I couldn't understand a word that he said as my mind was preoccupied with James.

      After that day, James had come to me every single day. We had become great friends and my love for him grew with every single minute that we spend together. A month later after that incident, I had gone to the prom with him and that day was just one of the best day of my existence.

*the prom*

"Ash! Come here! I have to get you ready! James would be here in 15 minutes or so" Cara yelled. I was still in the washroom gazing at myself in the mirror. I just couldn't believe that I was going to the prom with JAMES. "I'll be there in a minute Cara" I said. "Enough now! I am coming inside" she said. "No wait! I am coming!" I said and opened the door. As soon as I walked out of the bathroom, I saw James standing there. I was stunned after looking at him. Firstly, his presence was unexpected. Secondly, he looked so damn hot in that suit. And thirdly, he just stood there gazing at me. I felt shy. I was wearing an off white gown with a bare back and there were no straps attached to the dress. It fitted me properly displaying all my curves. "Ash! You look amazing!" Cara said. Just then I looked at her. She looked stunning as always! She was wearing a white straight gown which was again strapless. Her curves, her long legs, were so well defined in this dress. She was wearing a tiara on her head that was perfect as per her dress. "Cara, look at yourself first! You look so damn awesome" I said. "Oh thank you sweetie" she said. Just then the door bell rang. I knew who it was. "I'll just go and check who it is. I'll be back soon Ash" she winked as she said. James still stood there gaping at me with his mouth wide open. It was all too embarrassing. "You look nice James" I said initiating a conversation. "Oh! thank you. You l..look bb...beautiful Ashley" he said. My cheeks turned red and my heartbeat was to fast now. "Thank you" I said. Just then I heard Cara's voice. I decided to run down quickly but I couldn't run wearing this and plus I knew that it was all because she was way too happy at the moment. James went down to look for Cara instead of me. After few minutes, I could sense her coming upstairs. 

"ASH! ASH! ASH! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH DEAR!" she came running and hugged me tight. "Thank you so much for calling Jay! I am so happy right now!" she said. "Oh Cara! It's my pleasure" I said and hugged her back. "Enough now girls, or you'll end up spoiling your hairstyles" Jay said. Oh Jay was here! Not forever but at least for now. He looked great! "Heya sis! How are you? See, I look better than you" he said. "Oh Jay! You always look better than me" I said. All of us laughed.

     Cara applied some make up and set my hairs. We were already late now. We four left together in James' car. I was beyond happy right now. I so wish dad could see me! 

   We reached there within 10 minutes. Four of us went inside. Everybody looked so pretty and so in love. Many of the couples were already dancing on a slow tune. "Lets go Cara" Jay said and then they both left leaving James and me all alone. It was all so awkward. "Ashley, umm....would you like to dance?" James asked. I was shocked! I was overwhelmed! "Yes!" I said. He took my hand and we walked together to the dance floor. He placed his hand on my waist and I placed one of my hands on his shoulder. A shiver ran down my body as I could feel his hand on my bare skin. All this felt like a dream come true. We danced there for almost 20 minutes or so. Just then the music stopped and I heard Jay's voice.

   "Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please. I wouldn't take much of your time, maybe just a few minutes or lemme say the time it takes for you to propose someone" he said. "Yes. I am here to propose the love of my life. I want to do it in front of everybody so that I never deviate from my words" he said. Cara stood there paralyzed. She was about to cry. "Cara, would you join me up here please" Jay said again. Cara controlled her emotions and walked up to the stage. Jay went down on his knees and said "Cara, I have loved you more than I have loved anyone. You are my first true love and I know you'll be the last. I just can't tell you how happy I am to have you in my life and I want you to be with me forever. Will you marry me? I know we are just 17 or 18 now and it's too early but I know that you are the one for me." Cara broke down. She was way too happy at the moment. She nodded her head in affirmative. Jay stood on his legs and hugged her. I was so happy for these two. Everybody clapped and cheered for them. Just then James hold my hands and took me somewhere. "Where are we going James?" I asked. But he didn't say anything. The next moment I saw that we were in an isolated place just for two of us.

   "Ash, I am not as much bold as your brother and so I can't do what he did right out there" he said. "But trust me I love you more than I have loved anybody! I have loved you for the past 2 years but I was so scared to tell you that. It is only when Cara told me about your feelings, I approached you or else I would never had done that" he said. OH MY GOD! This is just too much. Tears flooded my eyes but before I could start crying, James went down on his knees. "Ash, I love you and will always love you. I'll protect you from every possible danger. I'll give you everything that I can. I'll love you till I live. Will you be mine? Forever?" he said. I was way too happy now. I don't know what to say. Without thinking about anything I said yes. He stood up and engulfed me in his arms and swirled me around like a 2 year old girl. He then put me down and kissed me. It took me a while to understand what just happened. But after I did, I gave my entire body to him. It was my first kiss and it couldn't be any better.

 We stood there beneath the stars, holding hands and gazing like every one in love does. I loved this man a lot!

   I was so thankful to Cara. She was the only reason why James was with me today. I loved her a lot. And I'll be always grateful to her.

Why do good guys exist only in fiction? :( Anyways, I have got a good readers out there, don't I? Thank you all for reading my book. 
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