Chapter 16

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"A GOOD FRIEND knows all your best stories, but a BEST FRIEND has lived them with you."

                                                                                                                                                    ~ Anonymous

  Cara had just left the club without saying anything apart from blaming me. I am not angry neither do I feel insulted. All I feel is that I have lost something. I feel as if I am incomplete and that is the truth. Cara is my other half. She completes me. It's difficult for me to survive in this world if I don't have her. She guides me at my every step. From the day I had met her till today, I hardly did anything without asking or telling her. She was a part of my life and I can't let her go.

 I rushed out of the club to look for her but she was no where to be seen. I looked for her in the nearby streets and cafes but she wasn't there. Then, I went back to the hotel to check whether she had come back but she wasn't there too. I tried contacting her but she didn't pick up my call. I was very nervous. I didn't know what to do and where to go. So, I decided to call Jay.

"Hey Jay. Please call Cara and ask her where she is. Do it now!" 

"Hold on Ash. What happened? Were you not with her? Where is she? Is she okay?" 

"Jay! Do what I ask you to! Will tell you everything later. And don't tell her I asked you to call."

"Okay fine! I'll call her."

I hung up the phone and looked for her in the nearby places but she was no where to be found. A few minutes later, my phone rang. It was Jay.

"Tell me where she is!" 

"Ash, she is not picking up my call. I called her 10 times but every time she didn't pick it up. Where is she? What has happened?"

"Jay! I'll tell you later. I need to look for her first." I said and I hung up the phone. I didn't want to waste a second. I had to find her as quickly as I could. She was not at all okay. She was drunk, she was broken, she was angry, she was hurt. I wonder where she has gone. 

I went around all the places that I could for almost 1 hour. I was tired but I couldn't give up. I won't stop till I had found her. I even asked some of the people who were there on the streets but they hadn't seen her. There was only one place left that I hadn't been to - the sunset point. I was too afraid to go there. It was a cliff and thinking about Cara being there gives me goosebumps. But I finally decided to go there. 

When I reached there, it was very dark as the only source of light were the stars. I turned on the flashlight of my phone. As soon as I did, I saw someone sitting on the verge of the cliff. It was CARA! I rushed to her but I didn't want to scare her. 

"Cara, will you please listen to me? Just for a minute?" She turned her face towards me and my heart shattered into a million pieces after seeing her face. She had been crying for the past few hours. Her eyes were swollen and there was blood all over her dress and her face. 

"CARA! Where did this blood come from? What did you do? Answer me!" She showed me her hands and they were full of blood. "WHAT DID YOU DO CARA?!!" 

"I didn't do anything, Ashley. It happened when I had broken that glass in the club." She replied coldly. Tears flooded my eyes when I saw her hands and her face but I fought them. I had to. 

"Ashley, please go away from here. I don't want to talk to anybody. And ask Jay not to call me or else I'll seriously do something to myself."

"Cara, you need to listen to me but. It wasn't Jay in the club! How could he be here? It was someone else. At first it appeared to me that he was Jay but later I realized he was not. Do you think Jay will do anything of that sort? NO! NEVER! And even I won't do anything that you don't like. What happened in the club today was just because of misunderstanding, Cara. Please trust me."

She was crying now. It was difficult for me to be there as I couldn't see her crying but then I had to. She has always been my supporting pillar, my guiding angel. At no point of time, she had left me to face the problems alone. I loved her a lot and she did too. 

"Cara, please don't cry dear! Just trust me! Everything is fine!"

"Nothing is fine Ash! I now know that everything that happened in the club was not correct. I know that Jay wasn't there. I know that you or he would never do anything like that. I have known this fact for long. And yet, I shouted at you. I called you a bitch! How can I forgive myself?! I have trusted you the most my entire life and still today, I didn't. I am too ashamed of myself. I won't say sorry because that won't help at all. Ash, trust me, none of the things which I said was true. I have never hated you nor will I ever. I have always loved you and you know that. But Ash, leave me now or else I'll hurt you some other day again maybe. And hurting you is the last thing I want to do. Please. Go and live with James. Leave me. Please!"

"CARA! I told you I won't ever leave you no matter what. I don't mind how much you scream at me or what words do you use. I know you misinterpreted just like I did. And you were correct at that point of time. You don't have to apologize. And please don't ask me to leave you because that is never gonna happen. Not till I am alive. You have no idea about how much I love you and how much you mean to me." I had started crying by now. 

"Ash, don't cry please. I don't like seeing you crying. " She tried wiping my tears but her hand ached. "Cara, let's go back to the hotel first and clean your bruise. It is bleeding too much." 

"It's okay Ash. This pain is nothing as compared to what I feel inside. I can bear this. Let this be my punishment. I deserve one."

"NO CARA! Please don't say so. You deserve only happiness and lots of love.  Nothing else. People like are you, who do so much for others, don't deserve pain. You don't deserve that at all! I love you Cara and my heart aches to see you this way. Please, let us go. Everything is good between us. Nothing is ever gonna change no matter what. Trust me, I am fine. I am not hurt by the fact that you shouted at me. I was hurt only when you left me. And that too it was because I can't live without you. It's difficult for me to think about myself without you. Please don't ever ask me to leave you nor do you dare to leave me. "

"Ash, I love you. I love you more than you'll ever know. And I am the luckiest person on this planet as I have you." She then hugged me. It felt so good now. "So am I, Cara."

We then walked back to our hotel. Firstly, we cleaned Cara's bruise and applied a band aid on her cut. It was deeper than I had thought of. It felt terrible to see that cut on her hand. Then, we both took a shower turn by turn and dressed into our pyjamas. Cara then called Jay to tell him what had happened and to assure him that she is fine now. Jay was at first hurt but then he understood the situation and let it go. He was better now, after knowing that Cara was alright. She didn't tell her about that cut as he would have exploded then and there and would have been very much disturbed.

    We later went on the terrace of the hotel to get some air. We stood there together, holding hands and gazing at the sky.

What happened today was unexpected and one of the worst things that could happen in my as well as Cara's life. We two can't imagine our life without each other. No matter how much we love our boys, no matter how much we grow up, but it is still not possible for us to be apart. We are inseparable. The only thing that could separate us was death. Someday, I know death will separate us but till then we'll be together - ALWAYS.

YAY! They are back together. :)
Thank you readers. Keep on voting and commenting. Means a lot. And yes, I am sorry for all the stupid grammatical mistakes. :P

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