Chapter 13

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"He stared at her, knowing with certainty that he was falling in love. He pulled her close and kissed her beneath a blanket of stars, wondering how on earth he'd been lucky enough to find her."

                                                                                                                          ~ Nicholas Sparks, The Last Song 

  "Happy birthday Ash!" James whispered in my ears. I stood there staring at the scene in front of me. James had arranged a ball party for me. Everybody was there, waiting for me. All my friends, my teachers, some of my cousins and and there was JAY too! "JAY!!" I shouted as soon as I spotted him. "Ash!!" he said and came towards me. "Oh Ash! You look so good! Happy birthday dear!" he said and gave me a hug. "Jay!" someone called from behind. It was Cara. "Hey Cara! Surprise!" Jay said. Cara, for some reason, didn't seem to be much happy. Something was wrong with her. "umm..hi Ashley. You look good" she said to me. ASHLEY? Cara never called me Ashley. She always used the word Ash and that is what I liked. "Thank you Cara" I replied. "Come let's go Ash! There is so much to do" James said. He took my hand and then we walked away. I turned behind to see if everything was fine between Jay and Cara and what I saw shocked me. Cara was shouting at Jay for some reason. Things are not good between these two. Perhaps, that is why Cara was behaving in a strange manner. "James, can I just go and talk to Jay once" I asked. "Oh Ash! I... okay fine dear you may go. Come back soon" he said. I walked towards Jay but seeing me he took Cara's hand and walked away. WHAT? He just walked past me? Why? A few minutes back things were so good. What happened all of a sudden? Tears flooded my eyes. I stood there unable to understand what was happening. 

"Ash" James hugged me from behind. "Are you okay sweetie? Is there something wrong?" he asked.

"Oh! No James. Everything is okay." I lied as I didn't want to spoil his mood. "Okay then. Let's go."

We walked to the place where everybody was standing. There was huge vacant place in the midst of that hall beneath the chandelier. James took me there. "Bring it please" he said. Someone from I don't know where brought a huge three-layered cake. It was amazing! I had only seen cakes of these sort either on television or in other people's birthday. "It's time to cut the cake sweetie" James said. I looked around for Cara and Jay as I had never cut the cake without them. But I couldn't find anyone of them. "What are you waiting for Ash? Cut the cake!" said my Aunt Lola from somewhere within the crowd. "James, where is Cara? And Jay?" I whispered in his ears. "Oh Ash! They must be somewhere here. Where will they go? Don't worry and cut the cake." I waited for a while but then I had to cake the cake. Everybody sang the Happy Birthday song in chorus. I so wished dad was here. This was my first birthday without him. I MISS YOU DAD. I gave the first piece of cake to James and then to my other friends and relatives. This was so unusual. Every year apart from dad, Cara was the first one to wish me, to gift me, to give me surprises and she was the first one to eat my cake. But this time none of this had happened. I was disturbed by this fact. I didn't want to lose her but if things continue to be this way then I will certainly lose her one day. "Ash, everything will be fine. Don't worry" James said. Thank god he was here for me or else I wouldn't be able to bear all this.

     The cake was distributed among everyone. Now it was time for the ball dance. 

"May I have the pleasure of dancing with the birthday girl?" Jacob said. Jacob was one of my childhood friends. We had been more like brother and sisters for me. But he had always had a secret crush on me. This is what Cara always said. 

"Sure" I said. He took my hand and then we danced for a while. We talked a lot. "Ash, you look beautiful today. I so wish you were mine" Jacob said. His hands suddenly tightened around my waist and his fingers lingered over my waist. I didn't like this. The dance was getting uncomfortable now. "Jacob, I have always loved James and he loves me a lot. You matter a lot to me but more lie a brother" I said. His hands tightened further. His fingers had began to hurt me now. 

"Jacob! If you don't mind, i would like to have MY girl back" James said. Thank god he came! I needed him so much at the moment. "Oh! You already have her James. Anyways, thank you for the dance Ash" Jacob said and walked away. "Thank you so much for coming! I was just not comfortable him" I said as soon as James took my hand. "I know that dear. I could see your face and could comprehend your thoughts. Forget about him now" James said. I put my hands around his neck and we danced for a very long time. 

  It was 11 PM now. Most of the guests had had their dinner and were preparing to leave. Everybody had seemed to enjoyed a lot and I am glad they did. All these time I hadn't seen Jay and Cara even for once. I wonder where they have gone. Finally, at around 11.45 everybody had left. It as just me and James. 

"Come, let's go Ashley. There is something I want to show you" James said. "Oh James! I am tired now. I just can't walk in these heels" I said. "That's a great news!" he said. Before I could say anything, he lifted me up in his arms. "What are you doing James?!" I shouted. "Taking my princess away from here to a better place." "Put me down! I can walk!" I screamed. "Nope!  You said you are tired so now I am not letting you down" James said. "Uhh!" He walked out of this place to somewhere which was completely dark. There were no lights, no sound, nothing. It was later on carefully observing I realized that we were near a cliff. 

"Are you gonna throw me down or what?" I asked. "Are you insane? Why will I throw you? Lemme put you down first!" James said. Oh god! I had made this man angry. "No! No! I don't want to get down. I am sorry. I won't say anything now" I said. "Good girl.Now close your eyes and open them when I ask you to" he said. I did as I was told. I closed my eyes while I laid there in his arms. It was a wonderful feeling. He started counting. TEN NINE EIGHT SEVEN SIX FIVE FOUR THREE TWO ONE. "Open your eyes, Ash" he whispered in my ears. I slowly opened them and right in front of me I could see hundreds of star falling down. It was a star shower!! I was completely mesmerized by the beauty of the stars. I have always loved the stars. They are so far away from us and appear to be just like a point size object yet their mere appearance gives us all so much happiness. "My dad must be there!" I said. "Oh James! This is wonderful. Thank you so much. I love you a lot!" I said and then kissed him on his cheeks. I laid there in his arms and we together gazed at the sky. After a while, we laid down without thinking about our dresses and kept looking at the sky above our heads.

   Nearly, after half an hour, we decided to come back home. I was still in his arms. When we were about to leave that place, I heard some familiar voice. It was of a girl and a boy giggling. I wanted to tell James to go and check who it was but I didn't want to trouble this man. "James, put me down please? I just forget my purse in that area. I'll go and take it,okay?" I said. "Oh! No sweetheart. Stay here. I'll go and bring that." I knew he would say this and I didn't stop him. As soon as he left, I went to that cliff area again to see who it was. When I went there, I saw Cara and Jay together. They were sitting beneath a tree and seemed to have a great time. I relaxed seeing this as things were good between them. Maybe, from tomorrow Cara will be normal again. I smiled and walked away.

  James came back and then we went back to my place. James stayed with me the whole night. We slept together in my room. It was great having James beside me. He was so warm and cozy."I love you James! I'll always love you" I said one last time before I dozed off to sleep. "I love you two Ash! Happy Birthday again. Sleep well" he said and planted a kiss on my forehead. 

  Today was wonderful. I had never imagined something like this would ever happen in my life. It was a bit disturbing as well but now I think Cara must be okay. I smiled to myself, closed my eyes and then went into my world of dreams. 

What do you think? Is Cara okay now? What must have happened?
Well I know the answers! And you can know them too. Just keep reading. And yeah, don't forget to vote. :*

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