Chapter 26

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"The person who loves you a lot will fight with you a lot. But whenever you are sad, that person will fight with the world to end your sadness."  

                                                                                                                                            ~Twilight saga

In the morning, at around 9 AM, I woke up. I usually didn't sleep for so long but the midnight thing was a bit tiring. I put on my slippers and walked downstairs to the kitchen to make some coffee for my special people. On reaching there I realized that my love was already making something for us.

" James? What you doing so early baby?"

"Oh! Good morning love. I was just making coffee for the four of us. I am looking for some cookies. Do we have it?"

"Umm...I guess. Wait. Lemme see." I looked around the shelves and found a cookie jar. My heart started beating profoundly. There were hundreds and thousands of memories connected with this jar. 

"Dad! Give me that jar please. Only one more. Please!!"

"Ash, you have already eaten 5 of them. Look at your teeth. You are only 6 and you have lost so many of them. "

"Dad just one more.I promise to brush my teeth twice a day and I'll go and finish my homework too. Please!!"

"Oh Ash! Please don't make that puppy face in front of me. I just can't help it when you do that. Here, take the last one. No more cookies for today, okay?"

"Okay dad!! Thank you so much! You are the best!"

"Ash? Are you okay? Where are you?"

"Oh James. Nothing. Take this. Cara and Jay are still sleeping?"

"Yes. We'll go and wake them up once I make the coffee."

James' coffee was the best for me. He perfectly knew how I liked my coffee and he made it purely that way. He was a genius with coffee.


"They are still sleeping. Shall we wake them up? Look how adorable they are!" I whispered.

Jay and Cara were holding each other while they slept. Cara was engulfed in Jay's arms. Her face buried into his chest. They really looked adorable.

"But I made the coffee already. It would turn into a cold coffee then."

"Okay fine. Let's wake them up."

Well, this was a difficult task as both of them slept like dead bodies. It was really very difficult to wake them up. I and James tried waking them up. We kept on shaking them but (a) they didn't leave each other and (b) they didn't leave the bed. Finally it was time for plan B.

"Oh my god!! James!Help me!! I am dying! I find it so difficult to breathe! Save me please!" I shouted into Cara's ears.

"ASH! Where are you Ash? Jay wake up. Ash is calli....." She looked towards me and froze for a minute.

"ASH!! What was that?! A new alarm or what?"Jay said.

"Hhahaha! I am so sorry. But James' coffee was turning into cold coffee so I had to do this. Come let's go."


"Ash! How long are you girls gonna take? We are already late!" James yelled from outside.

I and Cara were in my room, getting ready for the dinner with the families. 

"Just few more minutes please."

"Ash, how do I look?"

I was wearing my earrings when I heard Cara's voice. I turned my eyes towards her and was totally mesmerized by what I saw. 

Cara was wearing that gown which I gave her in the midnight along with the sandals gifted by her mom. She had let her hair fell down. The dress fitted her perfectly. Her curves, her figure, her shape-everything was well defined. Just one thing was missing.

"Wait a minute Cara."

I went to my closet and opened the locker. From it, I took out a bag and handed it over to Cara.

"Swarowski? What's this Ash?"

"Look inside and you'll come to know what it is."

She opened the bag and took out a a jewelry box. Hurriedly, she opened it and as soon as she did, I could see happiness in her eyes.

"ASH?!! Are you insane? You seriously BOUGHT this just for ME?"

She was holding the diamond bracelet with  sapphires. This was the same bracelet she had seen at the airport in Hawaii.

"Since the jewelry people don't give these things on rent and since I gave this to you, I think that means that I bought it and that too for you."

"ASH! You are crazy! You are seriously crazy! Who does this? Who buys a diamond bracelet for a friend?"

"Don't you dare say that again! What do you mean by "a friend" ? Which friend stays awake all night when her friend is crying? Which friend stays at her friend's home when she is 'sick'? Cara, you are not just a friend to me. Do you get that? You are much more than that! Now stop giving me those looks and wear this."

"But Ash when did you buy this?"

"I bought it at the airport itself. I had asked you to go a bit earlier so that I could buy this without letting you know."

"You had money?"

"Nope! I am still paying them back. The good thing is, all the installments will be done in just 1-2 months."

"Oh my god Ash! You were working late?"

"Forget it Cara."

"God Ash! Thank you so much! You are so good! I am really lucky to have you dear. I love you so much."

"I love you two Cara. Now shall we go?"

She put on her bracelet and then we together walked outside.

Jay and James were standing on the door of my room. As soon as we walked out, both of them couldn't help but glare us with there eyes.

"Don't look at me as if you have never seen me before, Jay" Cara said.

"Cara! You look stunning! Oh my god! You look so good! God, this is such a mismatch; a beauty like you is in love with a beast like me!"

"Oh Jay! Don't call yourself a beast. Which beast wears a white shirt with black coat and a tie and looks so good?"

"Thank you miss. By the way, my little sis looks good too! You look grown up Ash."

"Thank you Jay. You look good too, as usual."

"Ahem! Ahem!" 

"James you don't have to do that. She'll be praising you secretly in a different way. Right Ash?"

"Yes Jay."

"Okay then. I'll praise you at the same time. Shall we go now?"


"Mom and dad are already here?" Cara asked.

"Ummm.... yes. I think so." I answered. 

We walked out of the car and moved towards the hall.

"Why is it so dark here?" Cara said.

"Cara, just hold my hands as we walk in, okay?" Jay said.

"But why is it so dark?"

"No questions please? Hold me hand." 

Cara took Jay's hand and I took James. We four then walked in together into the dark hall.

"Lights on please." James said.

Just the next moment, the entire hall illuminated and so did Cara's face.

Thank you for reading. You guys out there are great. :)

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