Chapter 32

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"The hardest part about growing up is letting go of what you were used to, and moving on with something unfamiliar."

                                                                                                                      ~ Anonymous 

A month later

"Cara! Shall we leave now? We are already late."

"Ash! I am telling you for the hundredth time that i don't want to come."

"But why? What is it Cara? Since yesterday you are behaving strange. What is it dear?"

"Ash, I am in no mood to talk to anybody. You just leave or else you'll get late because of me."

"No! I am not going there without you."

"Ash please! For God sake leave me now. I said I don't want to talk to anyone. Now move."

"I'll be waiting for you there." I said and then walked out of the house.

It was our graduation ceremony today and I was very excited. I was a bit sad because everybody would had to go to different places for their jobs. But then who didn't wait for this day to come, a day when you are all independent, a day after which your entire life changes.

   But my Cara was again an exception. She didn't like the graduation ceremony. Since yesterday, she had been behaving very strange. She wasn't talking to me properly nor did she come here with me. I hated her this behavior not because I found it irritating or something but because I liked seeing her the other way round, smiling, laughing and giggling around.

 "Hey Ash. Are we ready to leave?" James asked.

James was pretty better now. Of course he hadn't completely recovered from the loss of his mother but he was trying best to do it asap. The entire previous month, in spite of being so much disturbed, he had taken a good care of me. It was only because of James and Cara that I was now able to do my works on my own. And yeah Jay over the phone had helped me too. He would keep on giving me instructions and in case I didn't follow any of them..... Well I never dared doing that because I knew the outcomes.

"Hello? What are you thinking Ash?"

"Umm... Nothing. Yes, I am ready. But Cara ain't coming."

"Why? What's wrong? An argument with Jay again?"

"I don't know. Maybe that is the reason. But James the thing is that lately she has been more like this -irritated, annoyed, tired. And every time I ask her, the only answer that I get is I am fine. "

"Shall I talk to her once again?" 

I nodded.

James got out of his car and we went inside the house again. When we opened the door, I heard Cara crying. 

"Cara?" I called. 

I rushed into the living room and found her seated there on the couch with her face buried inside her hands.

"Cara? What is it dear? Why are you crying?"

She didn't utter a word. She didn't even look at me.

"What's wrong Cara? Did you people fight again?"

No response again. 

"Cara tell me what is wrong. Why are you crying?" 

I kept on asking her the same question for the next 10 minutes but she didn't even utter a word. All she did was crying. 

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