Year 2: Rescuing Harry

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July 31st

Felicity's POV

Dear Harry,

I'm not sure if you even read these anymore. You haven't ever responded. Maybe it's your obnoxious 'family', but if you ever get this, please send a letter back. We're worried.
I've been staying with the Weasley's for the last week, except for my birthday yesterday; it's been very entertaining, watching the twins prank everyone. They even got me a few times. Embarrassing.
Hermione is coming over tomorrow night, and I wish you could, too. But don't worry, that problem will soon be fixed. I won't say much, in case someone who shouldn't be is reading this, but I'll see you soon. Happy Birthday, Harry.


I sighed and rolled up the parchment before tying it to Marvin's leg and ushering him out the window. He hooted and flew away. "Felicity, dear!" Mrs. Weasley called up. "Yes, Mum?" I shouted back. I'd taken to calling Mrs. Weasley 'Mum', partly because I'd never exactly had a mother figure in my life (unless you count Grams, which I don't), and partly because she refers to me as her second daughter.

"Come down for breakfast, sweetie! And tell the boys!" she yelled. "Okay!" I replied loudly. "Bloody hell, do you have to yell so loudly?" Ron shouted from the bedroom next to mine. "YES!" I screamed, "IT'S BREAKFAST TIME!" I popped my head into Percy's room. "BREAKFAST, PERCY!" I sang. I held up my hand to knock on the twins' door when I was pulled inside the dark room and a hand covered my mouth. I began thrashing before just licking the person's hand.

"Eugh, blimey, Felicity!" Fred's voice rang out, sounding completely repulsed. The lights turned on to reveal one laughing George and one disgusted Fred. I rolled my eyes. "Don't be a sissy, Fred," I told him sternly , "Now what did you half-kidnap me for?" George tilted his head to the side. "This isn't kidnapping, or even half-kidnapping," he pointed out. "It's against my will, so talk before I leave," I said, rolling my eyes again.

"How would you like to rescue Harry? Tonight?" they asked in unison. My brow furrowed in confusion. "I thought we were going to pick him up in 3 days via Floo powder," I said, puzzled. "We were going to, but why wait? It's his birthday, anyway. And yours was just yesterday. What's a better birthday present than your best friend?" George asked.

Neville and I celebrated our birthday yesterday. July 30th. I still haven't stopped making fun of Harry for being the youngest in the group, even though it's only by a day.

"I would love that," I replied, "But there's two problems: one, I'm going home this afternoon, and two, we have no way to get there." The twins exchanged a mischievous look. "So, you're saying that, if we pick you up when your Gran and Neville are asleep with our own form of transportation, you would come?" Fred asked. I shrugged and shot them both suspicious looks. "Yeah, I guess," I answered warily. They smiled. "Great," George said cheerfully, "See you then!" He pushed me out the door and slammed it shut.

"Breakfast is ready!" I shouted to them after a moment of confusion. They didn't reply.


Later that night, I found myself sitting on the edge of my bed, waiting for Fred and George and their supposed transportation. Soon enough, the purr of a car engine sounded just outside my house. My window, which was on the second floor of the house. I stood up and my jaw dropped in disbelief. Fred, George, and Ron were outside my window, in a flying car. Typical.

I opened my window and George, who was in the passenger seat, grinned. "Well, come on," he said, faking impatience. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, climbing onto the ledge of my window. "I'm not even gonna ask how you guys got a flying car," I muttered. Ron opened the door to the back seat and I hopped in. Fred turned around and smiled at me impishly before revving the engine and driving off into the direction of Harry's house.

We pulled right up next to his window, which, by the way, had bars on it. Like Harry was some sort of criminal. I felt angry for a moment before Ron, who had switched places with George and was now in the passenger seat, announced, "He's already awake."

Harry came up to the window and his eyes widened. The rest of my anger vanished at the sight of my best friend. "Hiya, Harry," I greeted, grinning. "Felicity, Ron, Fred, George... what are you all doing here?" he asked, bewildered. "Why, rescuing you, of course," Ron replied. "Now, c'mon! Get your trunk!"

Harry packed all his things in his trunk and got ready to shove it in the car, along with Hedwig's cage. I stuck the upper half of my body out of the back seat window and attached a metal hook connected to a rope to the bars on his window.

I shook my head, unable to process it all. Actual bars on his window. His family was completely barbaric.

I attached the end of the rope to the car. "You'd better stand back," Ron warned Harry. Harry nodded, and Fred drove the car forward, successfully pulling the bars off. I could hear his aunt and uncle shouting inside the house as Harry shoved his trunk into the back of the car, handing me Hedwig's cage. I quickly scooted over, squishing myself against George to make room for Harry. I handed Hedwig's cage to Ron and opened the door to the back seat, motioning for Harry to jump in.

Just as he was about to, his pudgy uncle barged in, waddling across the room and grabbing Harry's ankles. I held onto his arms and Fred drove forward.

"Oh, no you don't!" his uncle shouted, "You and that bloody pigeon aren't going anywhere!" I tugged on Harry's arms harder, causing his uncle to tip almost out of the window. Fred pressed the gas pedal all the way to the floor, making Harry's uncle fall all the way out of the window and onto the bushes below. We began driving away, but before we got very far, I stuck my head out of the window.

""Hedwig's an owl, not a pigeon!" I yelled loudly. Harry laughed next to me. "Happy late birthday, Felicity," he said sincerely, once everything had quieted down. "You, too, Harry-Beary," I teased, tousling his hair. He glared at me playfully and I chuckled. 

"We were going to pop up in your house in a few days with Floo Powder, but the twins couldn't wait," I said, nimbly switching places with Harry so I'd be able to get out of the car more easily. "What's Floo Powder?" Harry asked, confused. "This green powder that you throw in a fireplace to transport anywhere you want," I replied casually. He still looked confused, but he kept his mouth shut. Sometimes I forgot that there remained subjects involved in everyday wizarding life that Harry didn't know about.

"Where are we going?" Harry asked eventually. "We need to drop Felicity off at her house," Fred explained. "My Gran didn't exactly give me permission to rescue one of my best friends from his semi-abusive relatives in the middle of the night with three Weasley's in a flying car," I said to Harry. "Understandable," he stated, nodding.

After a few moments George spoke up. "Look at you, Felicity! You turn a year older and you're already sneaking out of the house! I'm so proud of you," he said, faking tears. I rolled my eyes. "You're an idiot," I informed him. He grinned. "I know."

"Just to be clear, I did not sneak out of the house to be rebellious, I did it so I could ask you, Harry," I said, swatting his arm, "why you never responded to any of my letters!" He sighed. "Long story short, a house elf named Dobby has been intercepting my letters from owls all summer in hopes of me thinking that you all forgot about me so I wouldn't go back to school. He said there was a 'great danger' at Hogwarts this year," he explained. 

My brow furrowed in confusion. Danger? That definitely wasn't good. I had enough of that last year.

About an hour 'till sunrise, we arrived at my house. I leaned out of the car and opened my room window. I (skillfully, might I add) jumped out of the car and onto the ledge of my window. I slipped inside before waving goodbye and saluting mockingly. They all waved back and then Fred drove away.

I sighed and changed into my pajamas before collapsing on my bed, exhausted. I closed my eyes and sleep quickly consumed me.


year two bitches let's goooo

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