Year 5: Change

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okay guys this chapter is gonna have a POV switch halfway through, just heads up, and it's the same scene from two people's POV's

Felicity's POV

As the clock struck midnight, I attempted to casually walk past Filch with my head raised high. Act confident and no one will question you, right? Well, almost. I strolled right by him and the God-awful cat, and he didn't say a thing for almost 20 seconds. Then I heard a garbled, "Hey!"

I broke out into a sprint, mentally cursing Harry for not letting me borrow the Invisibility Cloak. I went up and down several sets of stairs, and across another three corridors before slowly making my way to the empty room in which Draco and I always meet. My breathing was a little laboured as I burst through the door, grinning. "Sorry," I said, "Ran into Filch."

Draco stood in front of me, breathtakingly attractive as usual. That is, until he opened his mouth. "What the bloody hell was that at dinner?" The smile slipped from my lips. Of course he had to bring that up. "What?" I asked, "You mean me sticking up for my brother?" Draco looked livid as he spat, "I mean you hexing my friends!"

I was baffled. Of course I hexed them after all the shit they gave my brother! What did he expect? "Look, Draco," I sighed, "You're an only child, so I wouldn't expect you to get it, but Neville-" "-It's not about Neville, Felicity!" Draco exploded, "It's about us! My family- no, more than that, half of the Slytherin house hates you! How are we ever supposed to be together, really be together, if I have my friends and family, my entire life, hating the mere thought of us being anything less than enemies?"

My jaw dropped a little. Why does he care if a few Slytherins hate me? That shouldn't impact our relationship at all, nor should anyone hate me for defending my own flesh and blood, something Slytherin's are very particular about. A bunch of hypocrites.

"Felicity," Draco said, his voice sounding too gentle, too I'm-talking-to-you-like-you're-going-to-break. "I- I hate the thought of... of not being with you." His words sounded awkward and forced, and his eyes drifted behind me, as if he couldn't even bear to look at me. "But this... the hexing, the cursing... it's gotta stop. Please."

Me, protecting my brother, has to stop? Not likely. Against my wishes, tears welled up in my eyes. I tried in vain to blink them back, but I couldn't stop thinking, He wants me to change.

Draco reached for my hands, holding them tightly in his own. I chose not to reciprocate the gesture as he spoke again.

"Fel, I'm sorry that-"

"No, Draco," I interrupted firmly. I tugged my hands from is and took a step back, crossing my arms over my chest, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I hexed your 'friends', I'm sorry that we can never truly be together, I'm sorry that I curse people when I get angry, I'm sorry that your friends and family hate me, but most importantly, I'm sorry because that's never going to change! I'm never going to change. And I'm sorry that I'll never be the perfect little girlfriend you and your family and your whole goddamn House want me to be!"

I pushed past him before the sobs started.


Draco's POV

I paced the floor of the same old abandoned classroom we always meet up in, running my hand through my hair yet again. Just as I was about to check the time again, Felicity barged in, breathing heavily with a maniacal smile on her face. "Sorry," she panted, "Ran into Filch." Without hesitation, I blurted angrily, "What the bloody hell was that at dinner?"

The grin quickly faded from her face, and she sounded defensive as she asked, "What? You mean me sticking up for my brother?" I ran my hand through my hair again, completely frustrated. "I mean you hexing my friends!" I snapped.

Felicity took a deep breath and I could tell she was getting angry. "Look, Draco," she started, "You're an only child, so I wouldn't expect you to get it, but Neville-" "-It's not about Neville, Felicity! It's about us! My family- no, more than that, half of the Slytherin house hates you! How are we ever supposed to be together, really be together, if I have my friends and family, my entire life, hating the mere thought of us being anything less than enemies?"

She stood there, speechless, so I inhaled deeply and continued, my voice quieter. "Felicity, I- I hate the thought of... of not being with you." This was harder than I thought it'd be. This whole talk-about-emotions thing. I stared at the wall behind her instead of making eye contact. "But this... the hexing, the cursing... it's gotta stop. Please."

Once the news gets back to my father, and more importantly, to Crabbe's and Goyle's, about the humiliation she caused their sons, she'd be at the top of their hit-list when the Dark Lord rises, and I can't have that. I tried to think of a way of telling her how much she means to me, that I'm only trying to protect her, to protect us. I sighed and took her hands in mine. She didn't pull away, but I noticed that her fingers didn't curl around mine like they normally did. I ran my thumb along the back of her hand, eyes following my movement, before speaking.

"Fel, I'm sorry that-"

"No, Draco."

The bitterness in her voice startled me. My head snapped up in time to see her tears before she ripped her hands away. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I hexed your 'friends', I'm sorry that we can never truly be together, I'm sorry that I curse people when I get angry, I'm sorry that your friends and family hate me, but most importantly, I'm sorry because that's never going to change! I'm never going to change. And I'm sorry that I'll never be the perfect little girlfriend you and your family and your whole goddamn House want me to be!"

Without waiting for my response, she stormed out of the classroom. I stood in shocked silence. What the hell just happened? How could she not know I was trying to protect her, keep her safe? I exhaled sharply and ran a hand through my tousled hair for the millionth time that hour.



first off: oooooh and the real cursing begins

secondly: i know this chapter was short but i wanted to have a little bit of draco's pov

thirdly: i know fel might be overdramatic but every character has flaws & no one is perfect so stop complaining about her being ridiculous bc of course she is

lastly: it's cute and kinda sad bc he really likes her and he came across wrong and she misinterpreted and everything's a mess bc he just wanted to keep her off all the Death Eater's radars but she thought he was telling her to change in order to be someone her family approves of and my poor lil kiddos are having a rough time


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