Year 3: Train to Hogwarts

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Felicity's POV

"I'm warning you, Hermione," Ron threatened, glaring at Mione, "You keep that bloody beast of yours away from Scabbers, or I'll turn it into a tea cozy!" I sighed and rolled my eyes. The two of them hadn't stopped bickering since Hermione and I arrived three days before. "He's a cat, Ron," Hermione defended, "It's in his nature." I tapped my foot on the stone floor, my eyes flickering across the room impatiently. "A cat? Is that what they told you?" Ron asked incredulously, "Looks more like a pig with hair, if you ask me!" Hermione laughed without humor. "That's rich, coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush! It's alright, Crookshanks, just ignore the mean little boy..." she soothed her cat.

"Harry!" I interrupted as my eyes landed on the last of my best friends. "Thank God you're here; I can't stand they're fighting for another minute!" Harry laughed and Ron and Hermione glared before Ron dragged Harry to the closest table and pulled out a copy of the Daily Prophet. I shared an exasperated look with Hermione. We both knew what was coming.

"Egypt," Ron announced proudly, slamming the paper down on the table. "Egypt?" Harry questioned, scanning the front page, "What's it like?" Ron grinned and began explaining, "Brilliant! Loads of old stuff, like mummies, and tombs... even Scabbers enjoyed himself!" I sat down next to Hermione as she pointed out, "You know, Ron, the Egyptians used to worship cats." Ron scoffed. "Yeah, along with the dung beetle," he retorted.

"Not flashing that newspaper around again, are you, Ron?" A familiar voice cut in. I turned to see my favorite George Weasley carrying a green box. "I haven't shown anyone," Ron denied. "Oh, yeah, not a soul," Fred chimed in sarcastically, "Not unless you count Tom-" "-the day maid-" "-the night maid-" "-the cook-" "-the person who cleans the toilets-" "-and that wizard from Belgium!"

I still didn't understand how the twins spoke in such perfect unison to each other's thoughts. "Harry, dear!" Mrs. Weasley's voice rang out as she pulled Harry into a hug. I laughed at Harry's alarmed expression before he realized who it was. Mr. Weasley dragged Harry off to the corner of the Leaky Cauldron as George sat next to me, and Fred next to him. George lifted the box onto the table and sent me, Ron, and Hermione a mischievous look.

"This, ickle third years, is a Skiving Snack Box," George told us, glancing around to make sure no one was looking. "I don't want anything to do with your pranks," Hermione refused instantly, standing up and sending the remaining four of us a stern look before walking away. "What a buzzkill," Ron muttered. I reached up and flicked him sharply on the forehead, along with a, "Shut up, Ron." The twins laughed and George ruffled my hair affectionately. "He's got a point, Fel," Fred chuckled. I rolled my eyes for what felt like the millionth time that day. "Whatever. Just tell me about this snack thing," I said.


"I didn't mean to blow her up-" Harry said, eyes narrowed. "Why not? That's bloody brilliant, Harry!" I interjected with a grin. Ron laughed at Hermione, who swatted my arm with a condescending glare. "Honestly, you two, it's not funny," she said, shaking her head, "Harry was lucky not to be expelled." Harry sighed. "I think I was lucky not to be arrested." Ron muttered, too quietly for Mione to hear, "I still think it's brilliant."

Hermione pushed open the door to the very last compartment on the train, where one man slept in the corner with a robe drawn over his face. "Come on," she said, "Everywhere else is full." We filed in, and Ron asked the question that was on the tip of my tongue. "Who do you think that is?"

"Professor R.J. Lupin," Hermione answered. "Do you know everything?" Ron inquired with an undertone of irritation before turning to me and Harry, "How is it she knows everything?" Hermione exhaled loudly before pointing to the man's trunk.

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