Year 4: Hogsmeade

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Felicity's POV

The next day was the Hogsmeade trip. While Hermione and I were going, Ron and Harry weren't. Apparently, I'd been too busy in my room moping to notice that he'd been rejected by Fleur Delacour last night. A shame, really, because I would've paid good money to watch that. Or to watch anything, really, that could get my mind off of Draco. So Harry decided to stay with Ron.

I wore a comfy and cute outfit, making sure to tame my messy hair so Dalton wouldn't run for the hills. I took a deep breath before making my way downstairs. I told Mione, Ginny, and Adelaide, who were going to look for dresses for the Ball, that I would ride with them in a carriage down to Hogsmeade and meet Dalton there.

We chatted on the way, Adelaide discussing the design of dress she hoped she would find today in detail. I tried to pay attention, but found myself zoning out and staring off into space. I was snapped out of it when Hermione said my name. "Huh?" I asked, trying to remember what they'd been talking about.

"What color dress are you looking for?" she asked, probably repeating her question. "I haven't really thought about it," I admitted, "But probably purple or blue." They instantly launched into another discussion and I smiled faintly, shaking my head in amusement.

We arrived before almost anyone else and began shopping around the lesser known boutiques in Hogsmeade. Ginny found her dress almost instantly, but she was the only lucky one before we stopped for lunch. The rest of us did manage to purchase some jewelry, though. "So when are you meeting Dalton?" Adelaide asked, eyebrows raised. I glanced at the clock on the wall before springing to my feet in surprise. I cursed, before saying, "Five minutes ago, actually."

I gathered my bags and bid them all a hasty farewell before rushing out. Fortunately, our meeting spot was fairly close to where I was, so I ran there in under a minute. "I'm sorry, I lost track of time," I started upon arrival, panting a little. Dalton only laughed and stood up from the bench outside of Honeyduke's. "That's okay," he smiled, "But I believe you owe me a tour of Hogsmeade."

I grinned, a genuine grin, and nodded. "I believe I do," I agreed. We started at Honeyduke's, where I bought a significant amount of candy that Dalton insisted paying for. I swooned in my head. Funny, cute, and a gentleman. 'But he's not Draco,' my subconscious whispered. I promptly told my subconscious to shut up.

Next was Zonko's Joke Shop, which Dalton seemed to enjoy. Then I took him to the Shrieking Shack, which was surprisingly devoid of people. Dalton's brows were furrowed when we arrived. "Uh, why are we here?" he asked, a confused smile on his lips. I just laughed. "Because it's creepy, and a Hogsmeade experience isn't a Hogsmeade experience without going to the Shrieking Shack," I explained. Dalton chuckled, before turning away from the building to face me.

"Hey, while we're alone, I have a question," he said casually. My heart raced, but I kept my tone casual as I replied, "Okay, shoot." He smiled before smoothly asking, "How would you feel about going to the Yule Ball with me?" I pretended to debate in my head before laughing. "Of course I'll go with you. I thought you'd never ask." Which is true, because I never thought he'd ask me. I mean, yeah, he was flirtatious and stuff, but I assumed he'd go with a Beauxbaton girl like most of the Durmstrang guys.

I felt lighter, happier than I had in days. Here I was, in Hogsmeade, a handsome gentleman by my side, about to go to the Yule Ball with him. Everything was perfect. 'Almost,' that little voice of mine said. I ignored it again.

Dalton and I spent a few more minutes in silence in front of the Shrieking Shack, simply enjoying each other's company. Finally, Dalton sighed, saying, "We should probably get back to the castle." I nodded, before remembering that I still needed to find a dress for the ball that I now had a date for.

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