Year 5: "He's back."

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Felicity's POV

It took time, more than Sirius probably had. I could tell Harry was thinking the same thing as he watched us all mount the invisible steeds. In a matter of minutes, however, we were off, and soaring to London. Although I knew it was an urgent mission we were on, I couldn't help but admire the view from utop the Thestral. We chased the sun across the sky, until it disappeared, and we were in London.

Locating the Ministry of Magic didn't take much; both Harry and Ron knew of ways in. We were all crammed into an elevator, descending to the floor number Harry chose, not 3 hours from the time of his vision of Sirius. But 3 hours was a long time. A lot could happen in 3 hours.

Finally, the elevator chimed and the doors opened. A pleasant female voice welcomed us, "Department of Mysteries."

"This is it," Harry said, stating the obvious. He rushed out of the elevator and down the long, dark-bricked corridor. The whole floor made me feel strange and uncomfortable. Without hesitating, Harry strode down the hallway, to the solid black door waiting at the far end of it. We all converged in front of it before he opened it and we stepped through.

The door opened into the middle of a room. As in, the exact middle. It merely hovered there, looking ominous and deathly. Harry didn't think much about it as he walked down aisles and aisles, each made up of orbs stacked on shelves, filled with swirling mist, each covered in varying degrees of dust, counting as he went. "Ninety-two. Ninety-three. Ninety-four. Ninety-five," he paused, before going back and counting again. He looked around desperately, no doubt searching for Sirius.

"He should be here," Harry insisted, though none of us were doubting him. Mione and I shared a glance before Neville said, "Harry." We all looked over to what had drawn his attention. His eyes were glued to one of the spheres, glowing turquoise mist inside it. "It's got your name on it."

Harry approached the orb cautiously, wand raised. He reached out slowly, looking back for reassurance. I, for one, was no help, and merely shrugged. He picked up the object, and it immediately began whispering in a familiar voice that I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches. And the Dark Lord shall mark him as his equal, but he shall have power the Dark Lord knows not. For neither can live while the other survives."

That voice. So, so familiar. But from where-

"Harry," Hermione muttered quietly, warning in her voice. A masked figure was strolling leisurely towards us. Mione and I parted so that Harry could stand in the front, like the leader he was. "Where's Sirius?" he demanded fearlessly, clutching the orb in one hand and his wand in the other. "You know," the man said, "you really should learn to tell the difference between dreams. . ." He drew a familiar wand from a familiar sheath and flourished it in front of his face. The mask drifted away into smoke. "And reality," he finished.

It was Lucius Malfoy.

While everyone else took a subconscious step backwards, I stepped forward, glaring at the father of the person who seemingly ruined my life. I forced a smile like one of Umbridge's onto my face. "Lucius," I greeted, "Fancy seeing you here." He acknowledged me only with a sniff of distaste before speaking to Harry again.

"You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see," he said, his voice radiating something close to sympathy, "Now, hand me the prophecy." Harry's answer was fast and sure. "If you do anything to us," he threatened, "I'll break it."

A cackle sounded throughout the chamber, one that sent shivers down my spine. "He knows how to play," a high, mocking voice tittered. Bellatrix Lestrange came into view. "Itty, bitty baby Potter." Losing all semblance of calm, I snarled, "You."

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