Year 1: Troll!

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Felicity's POV

I desperately pushed past students, calling after Hermione. She finally ran into the girls lavatory and hid in an empty stall. I sighed, pounding on the door. "Hermione, open the bloody door," I said sternly. "Go away," she sniffled. I exhaled sharply before getting on my hands and knees and crawling under the stall door. She yelped and slapped my arm.

"Ow! What was that for?" I muttered rubbing my arm. I sighed again, noticing the tears on her face. I pulled her in a hug and she hugged me back, crying into my shoulder.

"Don't mind Ron, he's just an envious git, is all. He'll get over it. But in the meantime, don't let what he says get you down, okay? I'm your friend," I said fiercely. She nodded slowly. "Okay," she responded sadly.

We stayed in the stall the rest of the day, for once not caring about missing our last class. It was only Flying, so I figured we were good. "Do you want to go eat dinner?" I asked finally. She shook her head. "No, we're probably too late, anyways," she said, standing up. I followed her out of the cramped stall, confused as I bumped into a frozen-with-shock Hermione. I furrowed my brow in confusion.

"Hermione? What's-" I trailed off into a yelp as I followed her gaze to the biggest, grossest troll I had ever seen. Not that I'd ever seen one before, but it was still nasty. It turned to look at us, my yelping having caught its attention.

"Oops..." I muttered weakly. The troll roared and Hermione and I let out small shrieks. "You think?" she hissed. I shrugged helplessly before grabbing her arm and running towards the other side of the lavatory.

Suddenly, Ron and Harry burst into the room, looking around urgently before their eyes landed on the giant troll. Yeah, it's not that hard to miss. "Run, you two!" Harry yelled. We nodded quickly and ran into a stall. 

Bad choice.

The troll, who I, in my I'm-about-to-die thoughts decided to call Bob, smashed a huge club that I'd somehow failed to notice before into the stalls.

Hermione and I screamed and dropped to the ground before crawling underneath the sinks. Also a mistake.

Bob swung his club, one that I decided to call Mini Bob, (as it was equally huge and ugly and I am eleven and under an acute amount of stress at the moment that restricted my creative name-calling talent), at the sinks, missing us by inches.

Thank goodness, Bob seemed to have bad eyesight. Hermione and I screamed yet again before crawling below the sinks that remained untouched.

Just as Bob swung his club towards the sinks, Harry grabbed onto it. Bob stopped mid-swing in confusion, peering at Mini Bob and the Harry Potter holding onto it. He grunted and shook Mini Bob angrily, trying to dislodge Harry.

The troll grabbed Harry by his ankles, swinging the spiked club at his face. I watched on in paralyzing fear, wishing my wand wasn't in my bag that I'd dropped upon seeing the absurdly ugly troll.

"What do I do?" Ron yelled frantically. "Anything!" Harry desperately shouted his reply. "Swish and flick," Hermione mouthed to Ron. He nodded nervously.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Ron shouted, aiming his wand at Mini Bob. The troll swung down his now empty hand towards Harry, before noticing that his club was levitating above him. His head tilted to the side in confusion, before Mini Bob smashed down on regular-sized-Bob's head. The troll's eyes crisscrossed before he dropped Harry and stumbled around the room.

He collapsed to the ground, missing Harry by inches, sending up a cloud of dust and sounding like canon fire. Hermione and I crawled out from our 'hiding place' slowly, eyeing the troll.

"Is Bob... dead?" I asked cautiously. Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at me, confused. "Bob?" Harry asked, "You named the troll... Bob?" I rolled my eyes. "Is he dead or not?" I asked.

Hermione shook her head as she nudged him with his toe, seeming to track his breathing. "No, just unconscious," she replied with surety.

Just then, the door opened, and Professor McGonnagall, Professor Snape, and Professor Quirrell rushed in quickly. Professor McGonagall gasped at the sight of the unconscious troll and us in front of it.

She was stuttering shrilly, "E-Explain yourselves!"

Harry and Ron began to explain, but Hermione interrupted them. "Professor, it's my fault. I heard about the troll and I thought I could take it, but I was wrong. If Harry, Ron, and Felicity hadn't been here... I would probably be dead," Hermione said, faking shame.

I raised my eyebrows. Wow. She was a good actress.

Professor McGonagall sighed. "I expect so much more from you in the future, Ms. Granger. Five points will be taken from Gryffindor, for your serious lack of judgement," McGonagall said disapprovingly. She turned her intense gaze on the rest of us.

"As for you three. You could've gotten yourselves killed! Not many first years can take on a full grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale!" she paused, before begrudgingly adding, "Five points with be... rewarded to each of you. For sheer dumb luck."

I grinned before following the Professors and Hermione, Ron, and Harry out the door.

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