Blackmail: damon Salvatore

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You're sneaking around dating Damon, but Katherine finds out and tries to black mail you into threatening to tell everyone. (I'm not sure where else to go with this other that that) one shot.

You and Damon had been dating for a little while now and despite everything, people were still finding it hard to trust him, you didn't blame them you were the same before he started trying to prove himself to you, since then he had saved you on many occasions and has not lied either (as far as you know). Damon was the one who had asked you to keep the relationship a secret, he said that he wanted you to get to know him for who he was and for the rest of your friends to learn to trust him on their own merit, some might have called you naive but you wanted to give him a chance.

Kathrine had become the new problem for you and your friends and while you were trying to stay out of the way given the fact that you were human she still managed to find you when you were on your own, it was one of the rare occasions that Damon hadn't decided to meet you. "There you are!" You assumed that she was trying to pretend to be Elena but you had seen her already and even without having seen her this morning you would have known that she wasn't Elena.
"What do you want?" You asked.
"You know who I am?" She asked.
"I know that you're not Elena." You said as you got out everything that you needed to start studying.
"Alright then we can get down to the good stuff." She smirked as she sat down at the table folding her hands together as she looked at you,
"I know about you and Damon." She said with a smirked and you looked at her for a second before going back to your notes.
"Okay..." You mumbled as you started jotting down the things that were worth studying as you waited for her to speak again.
"I'll tell them." She said as she leaned on her hand, you looked up at her again and shrugged.
"What do you get from that?" You asked.
"Well nothing apart from hurting you, but if you want me to keep the secret all you need to do is be my little spy." She said and shook your head.
"Go ahead and tell them, I never wanted to keep this a secret." You answered, she looked at you for a second before sighing.
"I really thought that was going to work, you're human so I have to be careful about where I hurt you otherwise they'll all be asking questions." She murmured more to herself than anyone else as she stood up and walked around the table to stand next to your chair. "I guess you can play off a broken arm." She reached out to grab your arm but before she could come into contact with you someone else grabbed her.
"Don't even think about it." You recognised the voice as Damon's; he pushed her away as he put himself between you and Katherine.
"Damon, why are you ruining my fun?" She asked "I thought she was just your human toy... Surely you can still play with her if she's a little broken?"
"Get away from her." Damon said again and this time she tutted before turning and walking away.

Damon turned to you once she was gone crouching and taking your face in his hands "are you okay?" He asked, looking over your face and hands for injuries.
"Damon, someone's going to see Jeremy and Matt work here." You reminded him.
"I don't care, answer me are you okay?" He asked drawing your attention back to him, you nodded once and he let out a breath. "What did she want?"
"She wanted me to work as her spy, she probably thought that because I was human I'd be the easiest to manipulate but she tried blackmail first." You explained.
"What?" He asked.
"She's probably going to tell the others about us, I don't know how she found out but she did." You shrugged.
"Don't worry I'll find a way to fix it." He promised and you pulled back to catch his eye.
"I'm not worried." You said, his eyes shifted across your face as if trying to find a tell that you were lying and when he didn't find anything he nodded.
"Then we'll deal with it." Damon said as you nodded, he started grabbing all of your stuff and putting it in your bag.
"What are you doing?" You asked.
"You're coming back to the boarding house, you can study there." He said.
"Fine." You said as he took your bag and followed you out of the door.

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