Protective Cowboy: Rip Wheeler

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Pairing: Rip Wheeler x Reader

Warnings: Cursing, Walker getting his ass beat

Summary: Nobody disrespects Rip Wheeler's woman, Walker obviously doesn't get that and runs his mouth.

If there was one thing practically all of Yellowstone knew about Rip Wheeler, it was that nobody messes with his woman. Messing with his woman is equivalent to committing a war crime, punishable by death. Or a major ass beating, whichever Rip chose in that moment.

Rip had met you on the ranch when you were helping out with the work load. Being a close friend to the Dutton family, you always had a place to stay on the ranch. Your love for ranch life keeping you close to the ranch and all of it's residents. The moment Rip laid eyes on you, he knew you were the one for him.

He was protective of you, especially when you moved to the ranch to live in his cabin with him. Rip knew how some of the men on the ranch could be and he would make sure they knew to respect you as much as they did the Duttons. Hell, you were practically a Dutton yourself. You were family to the Duttons, you were born and raised on the ranch. John always calling you his niece and you calling him "Uncle John."

Some of the ranch hands didn't always respect you like they did the rest of the family. Rip wouldn't have any of it, always shooting them death looks as a warning. Constantly trying to get it through their thick skulls that you were as much of a Dutton as the family was.

This exact thought ran through his head when he overheard Walker talking about you after you had just left. Rip already hated Walker, it was no secret to anyone. Hearing him talk about you just added to his burning hatred for the man.

"Why the hell should we listen to her? Because she's close to the family? She's a bitch is what she is." Walker complained to Jimmy, stacking hay in the process.

Jimmy looked up, his eyes wide with fear. He dropped the hay and backed away after seeing the look on Rip's face. The way Rip tensed up immediately caught the attention of Lloyd, who was quick to start paying attention to what was happening.

"What the fuck did you just say?" Rip growled, dropping what was in his hands.

Walker looked at Rip, a smug smirk growing on his face. He continued stacking hay, eyes locked with Rip's. Lloyd stopped what he was doing to watch the situation closely, knowing damn well it wouldn't end well for Walker.

"Oh, I'm sorry. She's YOUR bitch. How could I forget?" Walker said, stepping closer to Rip.

The rage was boiling up inside of Rip, his fists clenching so tight he could feel the sting of his fingernails digging into his palms. Then Walker came closer again, seeming to be taunting Rip. The smirk on his face looking extremely punchable.

"I'm gonna kill you...with my bare fucking hands!" Rip raised his voice, lunging at Walker.

Rip punched Walker with enough force to knock him to the ground. Punch after punch landed on Walker, causing enough commotion to upset the horses in the stables. You heard the commotion and ran out of the stables, your eyes landing on the fight taking place.

Lloyd pulled Rip off of Walker after a few seconds, knowing Rip would and could kill Walker if he wanted to. He had to hold Rip back from going after Walker again. It was then that Lloyd noticed you standing there, your eyes wide in surprise.

"That's enough, Rip! Take a walk!" Lloyd warned, pushing Rip away.

"If you ever say anything about Y/n again, I will kill you. I will kill you without any hesitation, Walker." Rip threatened Walker, shaking out of Lloyd's grip. Lloyd proceeded to help Walker to his feet before going off on him about what he did.

"Rip, stop. He learned his lesson." You said from behind him.

Rip whirled around, eyes locking onto you in an instant. He knew that look on your face, worry and amusement? He gave you a confused look, walking closer to you. You didn't look directly at him, instead you were glaring at Walker.

"Y/n, Darlin', I promise you Walker deserved it." Rip said, his large hands finding their way to your hips.

"Oh, I know. I heard everything, heard him talking about me. Heard him taunting you. He had it coming." You looked up at Rip, his relieved smile making you chuckle.

"You really are something, Woman. You know that?" Rip smiled at you, squeezing your hips gently.

"It's been mentioned a few times, Cowboy." You giggled as he kissed you.

You looked at Walker, who was still being ripped a new one by Lloyd. You walked over to them, nodding at Lloyd, giving him a look that you wanted to say something. Lloyd stepped back politely, letting you take over.

"Listen Walker, you might think you are a badass, but you're not. You're an ex-convict with an attitude problem. And you are on the wrong ranch if you think that will fly. Rip might have beat your ass, but that was nothing compared to what will happen if you speak like that to anyone again. Don't push your luck." You said, turning to walk back to Rip.

"Damn Sweetheart, seems you don't need me around to defend yourself." He looked down at you.

"We knew that, but you know how much I like seeing you so protective." You smiled, fixing Rip's jacket as he left a kiss to your forehead.

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