the silent treatment: tig trager

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You were mad at your husband tig he spent so much time at work with the guys and there wasn't much time for just you, missing his touch missing the way he'd talked to you and the way tig touched you always wanting him bad but when he always got late and left early,

However today tig came home early than usual you were reading on the bed, pretending not to notice he was back,

You heard him call out your name but you didn't respond. ''Babe? Are you home?''

Hearing a light knock on the door, ''Honey? Oh there you are.''

He smiled, his bright eyes lighting up. I called out for you didn't you hear''?

You didn't answer, tig came closer and sat on the bed next to you.

I planned something special for us to do, something special to make up for not spending time with you, still not answering you were trying to so hard to resist

''Baby..'' you turn your head away from him trying not to give in on him.

C'mon look at me, i know you want to.'' shaking your head pouting

I'll make it up to you, i promise i'll do anything you''

You finally turned to him and tig's smile grew bigger. ''There she is,

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