I Know: Peter Parker

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Peter Parker x Reader

"I'm so sorry, baby," said Peter. He stood on top of a building, watching a bank robbery happening opposite. A bag full of snacks and two pairs of his favorite pajamas lay discarded beside him, and Peter made a mental note to pick it up later. The wind was biting, but Peter didn't care. His attention was split evenly between his girlfriend and the bank robbery.

This was not the first time he had flaked on date night, and he knew it wouldn't be the last. He and his girlfriend both knew. But Peter Parker had the most understanding girlfriend in the world.

"It's okay, Pete," she said. Peter could picture her now, snuggled up in her bed, waiting to change into a pair of his pajamas, with her snack basket filled and her laptop loaded up with a Christmas movie. "Go... save the world."

It wasn't quite saving the world, but she made Peter smile. She always made Peter smile. Y/N was the most understanding person in the world. "I'll be at yours as soon as I can. Don't open the chocolate without me."

After that, Peter had no choice but to hang up. The bank robbery had started to wrap up and Peter had to stop them. He put his phone in his bag, pulled his mask over his face, and swung down to the bank. "You guys have ruined my date night."

"What the fuck?" One of the bank robbers dropped his white bag filled with green notes and swung a bat at Peter.

It was cartoon-y, how these robbers were behaving. The white bags, the notes flying all over the place. Their ski masks weren't masks at all, but unfolded beanies with the eyeholes cut out. "Wait, can I get a picture? My girlfriend is going to love this."


Y/N's family loved Peter. Somehow, he'd never been late to dinner with her parents. Either criminals decided to take the day off, to let Peter have his dinner, or for once somebody else was cleaning up the city in his stead.

But not tonight.

"I'll be maybe ten minutes late," he said as he swung through the city. His suit was discarded, but his tie was still around his neck.

Y/N had her phone between her shoulder and her ear as she put in a pair of earrings. Dinners like these were a big deal to her parents. The whole family dressed up fancy, all of her sibling's partners were invited and they had at least three courses. "Pete, babe, it's fine. I'll cover you." And, as she said it, she didn't sound disappointed at all.

Peter really had the best girlfriend in the world. "Holy shit, I love you," he said, only just noticing his tie. But it was too late to remove it now. "Please send me the cover story."

They said their goodbyes (with Y/N begging him to stay safe) and went to do their things. Peter fought the bad guy, managing to keep his rather expensive tie intact. Y/N finished getting dressed for dinner and went downstairs to greet her parents.

Her siblings and their partners were already downstairs, drinks in their hands.

"There she is!" Called her brother as Y/N stepped into the room. He checked his watch and feigned a frown. "Not like that boyfriend of yours to be late, is it?"

With her hands clasped behind her back, Y/N rocked on her heels. "Actually, Peters going to be late today," she said, hoping they weren't going to ask any more questions.

"That Parker boy is never late," her father said, "What's holding him up?"

Before now, Y/N hadn't thought of an excuse for Peter. She had just hoped they wouldn't ask, and then he could've come up with his own backstory. (Peter had gotten good at that).

"Uhh...His house... caught fire? And his aunt... is in the hospital... with death?" oh yeah no this was not going well. "Oh! And the tire on his bike popped."

Yes. That was very believable.

But nobody questioned it as Y/N sat beside her sister and her sister's girlfriend. "He'll be here soon."

Her eyes shifted to the floor, which only made everything more believable. She pulled out her phone and sent Peter the cover story, just seconds before the doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" She shouted, jumping up.

Racing to the front door, Y/N pulled it open to see Peter stood there, still sorting out his suit. "You are so lucky nobody else answered the door," she said and buttoned up his shirt correctly. "I sent you over the cover story," she whispered and kissed his cheek.

Pulling him into the house, Y/N pushed him towards her father. "Hello, Mr L/N! Sorry, I'm late, my tire burst."

Suddenly, Y/N's mother came running out of the kitchen. "Peter, my dear!" She shouted and pulled him in for a hug. "I'm so sorry to hear about May and your house. You can stay here for as long as you need!" She cried, running her fingers through her hair. He looked at Y/N with her brows furrowed. 'Go with it', she mimed. "How about we all go and visit May as soon as we're finished with dinner?"

"Oh! Please, Mrs L/N. That's not necessary." Peter pulled away from his girlfriend's mother and grabbed Y/N's hand. "Can I have a word with you upstairs?" He asked her, and Y/N allowed herself to be pulled up to her bedroom.

As soon as the door was shut Y/N was wrapped around him. "I missed you," she said, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Missed me so much you told your family that May was in the hospital?"

"And that your house burnt down," she said quietly, laying her head on his chest. "I know I said I'd cover for you, but I'm not very good at it, Pete." Her arms snaked around his middle, sitting beneath his blazer.

Peter's phone suddenly buzzed. He pulled it out of his pocket and frowned once he looked at it. "Oh god, what is it?" Asked Y/N, looking up at Peter with wide eyes.

"Baby, I love you but, I've got to go. I swear this'll-"

"It's okay, Peter, I know."

Peter kissed her. It was slow, yet oh so intense. One of those kisses that makes you gasp. "I have the best girlfriend in the world."

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