Halloween Party: Rhea Ripley

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Warnings: slightly jealous Rhea,

"Babe! Cmon we are going to be late!" You yelled upstairs as you had your keys and purse ready to get to Becky and Seth's Halloween party.

They had a theme set for the party which was 'Cartoon's'. Too say it kinda upset rhea would be a understatement as she didn't like being restricted to a specific theme, but after some convincing you got her too go.

"I'm coming sorry! I feel ridiculous." You heard her say as heavy footsteps came down the stairs. You both decided to go as Woody and Bow-peep from toy story, I want you to take a guess as to who was who.

"Awww c'mon babe, you look great partner!" You said with a weird voice at the end as rhea came downstairs dressed as woody, holding the cowboy hat in her hands.

She quickly looked you up and down before looking into your eyes. "That dress is too short." She said whilst crossing her arms, to which you rolled your eyes.

"It's not that short babe it's fine, stop stalling lets go and have fun." You said while holding out your hand for her to take which she did. You left while closing and locking the door behind you, taking rhea's hand again as you made your way to the car.

~Time Skip~

You guys pulled into the driveway already seeing some cars pulled in, while also seeing a car.....walk!? You squinted your eyes a bit to see it was dom dressed as Lighting McQueen and his wife dressed as Flo which made you laugh.

You looked over to rhea as you unbuckled your seatbelt to see hesitantly unbuckle hers. "Hey." You gently grabbed her hand. "It's gonna be fine, you don't look nearly as ridiculous as dom." You said while pointing out the window making her laugh a bit.

"We're gonna have a good time okay?" You said whilst pecking her cheek making her smile and nod her head. "Yeah." She said getting out of the car, still a bit hesitant but did none the less.

"Looking good cowboy!" You guys heard as you turned your heads to see priest and finn dressed as batman (priest) and robin (finn). "Shut up boy wonder!" Rhea said to finn, which got a laugh out of everyone.

"Well what are we waiting out here for? Let's go party!' Dom said wrapping his arms around priest and finn and making a beeline for the front door. You wrapped your arm around rhea's while putting her hat on her head, getting a low grumble out of her.

~Time Skip~

You had a few to drink, didn't help that liv (dressed as black cat) was also giving you another after you finished one. That's where you were, drunkenly chatting with liv while rhea kept a watchful eye while drinking her water.

"Look stressed woody, something on your mine?" She heard from her left as Seth approached with Roux in his arms, dressed as Mr incredible and Jack-Jack.

"I'm alright mate, where's Miss incredible?" She said while turning her gaze back to you and liv as look scooted a bit closer to you in her drunken state.

"Ah chilling with Bayley and Finn in the kitchen." He said while following rhea's line of sight, seeing it lead to you and liv which caused him to smirk slightly.

"Jealous?" He ask's while leaning against the wall beside where rhea was sitting while readjusting Roux in his arms. "Not one bit." Rhea said calmly while drinking her water.

Seth knew she was lying through her teeth, but didn't say anything about it. "Well if something goes down, take it outside, don't need blood on my carpet." He lightly joke with rhea to lighten the mood.

It worked slightly as rhea chuckled and looked towards him. "Will do mate, will do." She said as he walked away, turning her gaze back toward you she saw liv put her hand on your thigh, which was a bit TOO high for rhea's liking.

She quickly put her water down, and calmly walked over to you as to not draw attention, reaching you after a few step's and putting a hand on your shoulder.

"Hey babe, you had a bit wanna head home?" She looked at you with a slightly concerned look, while you looked at her with a flushed face from how you've had to drink.

"Nope! I'm having a great time!" You basically shouted throwing your arms up getting some laughs from everyone. "Alright, I take that as a yes." Rhea said helping you up, quickly looking at liv. "Talk to you later Morgan."

She turned and walked out the house quickly saying your goodbye's as you went (and you yelling "RHEA'S GOT A SNAKE IN HER BOOT!!" drunkenly), gently helping you into the passenger seat and helping you buckle up, getting in the drivers seat to take you home.

You looked over at her halfway through the drive while giggling quietly. "You were jealous~" You said with a sing song voice, as rhea quickly looked at you before turning her attention back to the road.

"Maybe." She said whilst shrugging her shoulder's, placing her hand on your thigh where liv placed hers and looking at you since you were at a red light. "Too bad she doesn't know how to pleasure you with these" She did her signature wave, wiggling her fingers at you. "Like i do."

Your face blushed red more, which you didn't think was possible in your drunken state. You quickly turned your head to look out the window as rhea turned hers back to face the road and keep driving.

You said under your breath. "Jerk." "What was that?" She said while looking at you out of the corner of her eye. "Nothing Mami." You said quietly while twiddling your thumbs now. "That's what i thought." She said while putting her eyes back on the road.

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