Innocent' Pranks: Stu Macher

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Pairing: Stu Macher x Fem!Reader

Summary: An 'innocent' prank by Stu leads to a scary night.

You walked down the halls of the high school, watching as everyone ran to the buses and cars. You were walking with Tatum and Sidney when someone's arm wrapped around your shoulders.

You were about to yell at whoever it was, but stopped once you saw your boyfriend. "Leaving so soon?" You chuckled, pushing the door open. "Yeah, I gotta do some homework and clean the house since my parents are leaving for the weekend."

Stu gave you a look, raising his eyebrows up and down. "Ew no! I have to do stuff, we're not fucking for the weekend." You playfully shrugged his arm off you. You walked to your car, opening the door. "Okay fine, but at least come to the party with me." You looked at him confused. "What Party?"

Tatum broke in the conversation. "Randy's hosting a party at his house and invited most of the school." Stu nodded his head. "Oh no, I couldn't. I have things to do and I'd rather not spend the night drinking like an alcoholic, and get chased by the cops." You closed the door, starting up the engine.

Stu knocked on the window, making you roll it down. "Please baby. I promise I'll stay with you." You scoffed, rolling your eyes. "Stu don't lie to me. We both know the moment we get there, you're gonna leave me at the bar and go hang out with Billy. I'm not going and that's final. If you want me then come stop by my place."

You didn't say no more and drove away, leaving Stu to stand there. "Ooo, Y/n just told you off." Billy teased while laughing."Well, since she doesn't wanna come, you should teach her a lesson about staying home alone." Stu looked at Billy. "What lesson?" Billy shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know, maybe scare her a little? Halloween's coming up and it's perfect to scare her." Billy walked away, leaving Stu to think about it. It would be a perfect idea and it would make you stay with him.

On the way home he thought about a plan.


You finally finished your math homework with a smile on your face. "Finally, I'm done with this shit!" If there was one subject you hate, it would be math. You put your stuff in your bag and made your way downstairs.

You walked in the kitchen and could feel tears come to your eyes. The sink was full of dishes, the trash was almost overflowing, and the counter was dirty. This was gonna take a while. With a sigh you pulled your hair into a bun and began getting to work, cleaning the counter off.

You collected all the trash and set it to the side before working on the dishes. As you washed the dishes you sang your favorite song, thinking about things you could do with Stu this weekend. You drained the water, collected the trash from every room, and slipped slippers on.

It was pitch black as you walked outside to the trash can in your front yard. When you lifted the lid you accidentally dropped your ring on the floor. "Shit." You leaned done, feeling the ground for the ring, but the sound of leafs crushing caught your attention. You stood up instantly, looking around.

Although it was quiet, you still didn't feel good. You hurried fast to search for the ring, but you heard running in the wood, the leaves crunching faster. "Okay, this isn't funny, fuck off!" Your shaky voice yelled, looking around. As much as you wanted to get your ring, you'd rather not be dead.

With one last look, you made a b-line for the door. You let out a cry as you heard footsteps running behind you. You ran as fast as you could to your house, luckily getting to the door in time. You locked it fast, seeing a man with a white ghost face mask on.

The man stood there, staring at you. You took off running to the windows, locking them and turning off the lights. You grabbed a knife and ran upstairs to your parents room in their closet. It was pretty big and had a lot of clothes, so you shouldn't be seen.

You stayed quiet as you heard the back door downstairs creaking open.

Oh no, you forgot to lock the back door.

You covered a hand over your mouth, and tried to steady your breathing. Footsteps walked up the steps and straight to your parents room. You closed your eyes tightly, praying to god that he wouldn't open the door.

Under the door through the small creek you could see black boots, walking around the room, opening the bathroom door, and pulling the shower curtain open.

You could feel all the color drain from your body as the black boot came towards the closet. You looked up at the doorknob and saw it slowly twisting open. Tears were painting on your face by now as you held back whimpers. The door flew open and the ghostface had a knife in the air, ready to stab.

"No, please don't do this!" You screamed out, eyes still closed. When you opened your eyes you saw the knife coming down fast at your head. You let out a loud terrified scream, waiting for the pain, but it never came. You slowly opened your eyes and looked up.

The man's hand came to the mask and removed it revealing a laughing Stu. You looked at him hurt and confused. "Haha, oh my god, babe, you should've heard how scared you were. You were like, 'Ahh.'" Stu laughed even harder as he mocked your scream.

You couldn't find anything funny in this. You were more hurt and felt betrayed. How could someone who 'loves you' do this? You let out a cry, burying your face in your hands. You didn't hold back any sobs, whimpers, or whines.

Stu stopped laughing, looking down at you. "H-hey, it's okay, it was just me." Guilt filled his body as he slowly sat next to you. He tried to touch you, but you fearfully jerked back. "D-don't touch m-me." You attempted to get up, but your legs were shaking and gave out, not letting you go far.

Stu was quick to get up and grab you. "Woah, hey, it's okay. Let's go sit down." Even though he scared you, you let him take you. He guided you downstairs to the living room, and sat you on the couch. You were shaking when he let go of you, breathing heavy. Stu was just as shocked as you.

He didn't think it would turn into this. "Uh, what can I do to help?" You looked down at your finger. "Can you go near the trash can and get my ring?" Stu got up without a complaint, going outside and fetching the ring. "This one?" You took it and put it on your finger.

You kissed it, breathing in and out. "I'm sorry, Y/n. I didn't mean to scare you that hard." Your eyes shot open fast at his sentence as you could feel anger.

"You didn't mean it? What do you mean 'you didn't mean it?' You chased me outside, made me drop my grandma's ring, came into my house, and almost 'killed me' with a knife! So don't you dare say you didn't mean it!"

Stu bit the inside of his cheek, staying silent. He knows you're right. As well as the fact you loved that ring. It was the last thing your grandma gave to you before she passed away. "I thought I was gonna die. I thought- I thought I was never gonna see you again." Your voice cracked at the end of your sentence.

Stu hesitatingly scooted closer. "C-can I touch you?" You nodded your head, scooted closer to him. Stu instantly took you in his arms, letting out a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry Y/n, I'm so sorry, I don't wanna lose you, I'll do anything to make you stay with me, please I-" You cut Stu off with a kiss, feeling him relax.

You've never heard him so upset let alone seen him remorseful. You pulled back with a somewhat broken, but happy smile. "It's okay, I forgive you, but please don't ever do that again, or I'll-I'll break up with you." Stu tensed up at the thought of you leaving him. He'll really become yandere.

You both peacefully slept on the couch, while watching movies, with Stu completely forgetting about the party and remembering to scold Billy for making him think about doing an 'innocent' prank on you.

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