always forever: Tate Langdon

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pairing: tate langdon x !reader

summary: reader moves into the murder house and encounters tate who is curious of the new owners

warnings: cursing, kissing

you and your family had moved to los ángeles after a fire engulfed your previous house in flames. you never found out the cause of the fire but your mom put the blame on your dad for "leaving the stove on at night." you were also sad that you were going to leave your hometown and all of your friends but stayed optimistic for a new beginning. when you arrived at the house, you felt an energy. a strange energy. the house was victorian style and had lots of space. you could see why your parents chose it in the first place. after getting all your things inside, your parents went out on a date to celebrate the new move. they had invited you but you were too tired to go out and decided to stay in and order a pizza instead.

after getting into bed and watching a movie you hear a thud in your closet. you were scared but courage ran through your body and quickly opened it. there was a boy inside. you screamed for him to get out. "wow wow relax. i was just trying to see what cds you have here." he said as you back up from him scared. "first of all who are you and how the hell did you get into my house?!" you could've sworn you had locked all the doors so it was impossible for him to have snuck in. "let's just say i know all the ways to this house. i live right next door to you and seen plenty of people move into this house." "okay well then what are you doing in my room? and you never told me who you are."

"i told you i'm just tryna see what kind of albums you got here. not good ones though. and my name is tate. what's yours?" he got closer to you and now you could see he had blonde hair and soft skin. "i'm y/n. we just moved here today." tate started to move around your room and noticed some your posters that you had hung up on the wall. "mhm scary movies huh? i'm a big fan of friday the 13th." you laughed and found his sense of humor entertaining. "same the sequel's better to be honest. well my parents are coming home soon so maybe you should go." he gave a disappointed look at you. "sure i can't spend the night here? we could listen to some cds and maybe have a quick make out session or something?"

you were taken back by what he said but you couldn't deny the fact that he was exactly your type. "i mean we could listen to an album or two." his face lit up with excitement. the two of you sat on the floor listening to a rock album while tate discussed his life and asked you about why your family moved. "it was just a lot. i mean we never know what caused the fire but we basically lost everything. i'm just nervous for this new part of my life and meeting new people and-" you started to tear up and tate took note of this and started to hug you. "hey hey. everything is gonna be okay alright? i mean it's gonna take time but at least you got me here so." you laughed and found comfort in tate. with his arms wrapped around you, the two of you locked eyes as your lips met his.

the two of you kiss for what seemed to be hours but it was a good 5 minutes of kissing. tate began to kiss your neck as you ran your hands through his hair. he lifted your shirt and placed his hands on your waist. "god you're so beautiful." he whispers in your ear as your face warms up and your cheeks turn red. he lays you on your back and starts to leave kisses and hickies on your chest and belly. his soft lips leaves you wanting more and more of his touch. his hands start to reach your zipper. "can i?" he asks you. you nod and he smiles and starts to unzip your pants.

all of a sudden, a knock on the door interrupts you two. "hey y/n we're back home!" your dad yells outside from your room. you look at tate in fear while tate has a calm look on his face. "oh my god you have to go now!" your dad starts to open the door and you close your eyes and cringe in fear. "hey honey is everything okay?" you open your eyes and look around your room. tate was gone. he was there just a second ago. "uh yeah i just woke up right now." your dad asks you to come downstairs for leftovers. you agree and look around your room. how did he do it? you look in front of you. "boo!" it was tate. "oh my fucking god tate! how did you hide so quickly?" "let's just say i know this house a little too well." he leans in for a quick kiss before disappearing again into thin air.

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