partner: jesse pinkman

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Pairing: Jesse Pinkman x Reader

Characters: Jesse Pinkman

Warnings: Cheating partner

As you struggled to keep up with his increasing pace Jesse pulled you through the entrance of his abode and slammed the door shut behind him.

"I can't keep kissing strangers and pretending they're you." He brought his soft lips up to yours and pressed your back against the door. "How long do we have to stay like this for?" He asked in the moment that his lips were pulled away from yours.

"I shouldn't even be here Jesse... you know I didn't call you for this." Reluctantly and against all his natural instincts he pulled himself away from you. "I'm calling this off." Jesse's jaw fell slightly agape and his brows raised over heavy eyes.

"You can't." He pleaded. "Why me, what's wrong with me? Why can't you break up with them instead?" He threw himself down onto the patched, bowing sofa and ran his hands raggedly through his hair.

"You know how serious it is. Let's be realistic this was nothing more than a fling Jesse, just... just nothing more than quick sex, it isn't real." Jesse's face became more and more contorted in shock and confusion.

"Not real?" He contested with great effort. "Maybe it wasn't real to you, but did you ever think if it was real to me?" You didn't know how to react, you thought Jesse treated this as you did but now it was obvious that was not the case.

"What do you think I was going to do Jesse? I've been with them for years, we have a mortgage together, we're talking about kids for god's sake. You think I would just drop all of that?"

"Well clearly it didn't stop you cheating on him, did you?" You wanted to turn this into a screaming match of verbal tennis, situations like this it was easy for you to quickly become overly emotional and lash out, but you knew how in the wrong you were. "Huh? So committed aren't you that you're willing to hop on the first person you see standing outside the fucking dollar mart."

"Jesse it was only a bit of fun, I'm sorry you got so involved in it."

"A bit of fun? A bit of fun for who exactly? Because out of everybody involved it seems like the only person that's having a good time with this is you. Don't worry though, you've told me enough about your such loved partner, ill make sure he's involved in the fun."

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