wake me up before you go to bed: dean Winchester

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summary : dean comes home to find a note from you taped by the bed

pairing : dean winchester x female reader

warnings : language, kissing, bed sharing

sam and dean entered the bunker; dirty, tired, and splattered in vampire blood. dean wasn't hungry, he just wanted to see you. (sure they had stopped for burgers not three hours ago and he had two, but usually he'd want a snack at least.) he hurried over to the room the two of you shared - it was technically dean's room, he decorated it and all his stuff was in there. you had a separate room but with a couple couch chairs instead of a bed. you used it as more of a workspace than a bedroom because you always slept with dean. you were a hunter, sure, but you still wanted to take online college courses so you could one day become a school teacher if you ever wanted to settle down and have a family.

dean entered the room and smiled when he saw you; wearing his shirt, hugging his pillow, and fast asleep on his side of the bed. his brows furrowed when he noticed a note taped above his nightstand. quietly, as not to wake you, he walked over and grabbed it off the wall. he began reading it and he couldn't help the ridiculous grin that spread across his face.

"dean - i wanted to stay awake to see you when you got home but i got way too tired and had to sleep. please wake me up before you go to bed! i want to see you and hug you and kiss you! i'll sleep better knowing you're safe! i've missed you like crazy these passed few days and i love you so much! xx y/n"

he smiled softly down at you, your hair messily spread across dean's pillow. he brushed a few strands off your face and placed a lite kiss on your forehead. you stirred slightly, but didn't wake up.

dean left to take a shower and brush his teeth. he was done in under ten minutes and walked back to your bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist then put on a pair of black boxers and a led zeppelin shirt.

he took a seat next to you on the bed and placed his hand on your cheek. "y/n," he whispered. "y/n i'm home, wake up."

"dean?" you mumbled, your eyes slowly opening. "dean!" you sat up quickly and wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him with all your mite. "holy shit i missed you!"

"i missed you too, hun," he laughed a little, hugging you back. "i saw the note, you okay?"

"yeah, yeah i just missed you, that's all," you pulled away to look at his face. you placed your left palm on his cheek. "like really, really missed you." he smiled and leaned into your touch.

"is that why you're sleeping with my pillow? cause that's adorable." he chuckled.

"shut up," you covered your face with your hands, embarrassed. you didn't think of the fact he would see you hugging his pillow and wearing his shirt.

"hey, hey," he moved your hands away, grabbed your face gently and kissed you. "i love you so much, you know that?"

"i love you too," you smiled then yawned, clearly still very tired.

"c'mon, lets go to bed, hm?" he rubbed your back and you nodded, scooting over to your side of the bed.

you both laid down and dean opened his arms, inviting you to lay on his chest. you did so after kissing his cheek. you swung your right leg over his hips, wrapped your right arm around his torso, and buried your head in his chest, taking in his scent and relaxing with a smile.

"i missed this, dean. i missed you so fucking much," you laugh a little. dean had only been gone four nights (including tonight) but you still missed him like crazy.

"i missed you too, y/n, so fucking much," he smiled.

you lifted your head so you could look at dean, propping yourself up on your left elbow. you ran your hand through his hair then held his cheek, smiling to yourself. he looked so perfect to you; his hair still damp, his scruffy beard that was about a week old, his freckled cheeks and nose, his full, pink lips, and his gorgeous emerald brown eyes.

"what?" he said.

"you're just so perfect, i've missed your perfect face," you smiled then giggled a little. you sat up and hovered over him, holding his face in your hands. "i missed your short, scruffy, not-beard," you kissed his jaw. "i missed your freckles," you kissed his cheeks. "i missed your beautiful green eyes," you kissed his upper nose, below his forehead and between his eyes. "and i missed your perfect, full, soft lips," you brushed your thumb over his lips then kissed them passionately. he kissed back and wrapped his arms around your waist. "i missed everything about you, dean. i missed you so, so much!"

you nuzzled your head into the crook of his neck and smiled while he did the same. you both fell asleep listening to each other's heartbeats while you felt deans chest rise and fall with every breath he took.

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