in the spotlight: Cillian murphy

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YOU were getting ready for an Oppenheimer premiere; it was your first time being by his side in public. it makes you happy that you can finally announce to the world that Cillian is your boyfriend. it was controversial because of the age gap you guys have because you were in your late twenties, and he is in his late forties. for you, it wasn't a problem, obviously, but you know how people would react. but you didn't care; Cillian makes you the happiest person in the world, and people's opinions cannot change it.

"you look beautiful." you heard Cillian's voice behind you and smiled at his compliment. even if the dress were from a thrift store, you loved it, and in your opinion, it was the perfect outfit for this movie.

"thank you, darling, you look so handsome," you said, turning to him and smiling. Cillian was wearing a black suit with a sheer shirt. he was looking too good in this outfit.

he just chuckled, put his arm around your waist, and kissed your lips. Cillian was admiring everything in you he cannot imagine his life without you innit. he loved how humbled you were and how positive you were always, even if circumstances didn't make you the happiest. but most of all, he loved that you made him feel young again.

and you were admiring everything about him. you loved how clueless he could be when it came to technology and trends; it was always so funny and sweet to you. you loved how he cared about his sons and his friends. he was your dream man and your safe person. he never judged you or the things you did; he was understanding and caring.

"are you stressed?" his question woke you up from daydreaming.

"to be honest, i am not. i know that people are going to talk about us, but i don't care. it's your day, and i want to celebrate with you," you simply said, kissing his nose with a smile.

. . .

STANDING among all the celebrities and paparazzi, you started to feel anxious, even if you thought that you would be fine. Cillian felt how your hand clenched on his arm. he kissed your temple and whispered some words that made you feel better. you weren't a celebrity, so it's obvious that you didn't feel comfortable and confident in this kind of situation, but you were dating an actor, so you needed to get used to it.

when the time for photos came, you stepped on the black carpet. you weren't hiding that you weren't feeling the most comfortable posing for photos. but when Cillian told you to look at him and not at the paparazzi, you felt a little better seeing him smiling. you were so proud.

people were a bit surprised that Cillian showed up with a woman next to him, but they didn't scream hateful comments, but the opposite. they complimented your look; you could even hear comments like, 'she is so beautiful' 'wish i was her' etc.

after done the all photos you leave the carpet happily smiling. it felt nice made your relationship public and it was comforting that people weren't hateful about your relationship.

"you have done so well, love. i love you so much," Cillian said, kissing your lips. he doesn't care about people around anymore.

yes, you are the happiest person in the world right now.

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