the day/night we met: henry cavill

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PAIRING Henry Cavill x Reader (fem)SUMMARY On your wedding day, your Maid of Honor prepares a special gift to which you and Henry have distinct responses.

"ALRIGHT," YOUR MAID OF HONOR smiles, carefully wiping her tears with a napkin. "After making you cry and potentially ruining some makeup," The room laughs. "I've prepared something different to end this on a high note."

This is one of the dearest moments of your life: your wedding. You're marrying your soulmate. Your heart could burst with love and happiness whenever.

Everything's perfect, from your dress to the lights of the venue. Henry – your newly proclaimed spouse – has an arm around you as you listen to your family and friends' speeches about you and your love.

You found it strange when your Maid of Honor wasn't the first to speak, but it seems she has a reason for it. Immediately, you feel anxious, but in a good way.

"When these two told me they were getting married, I knew I wanted to do something special for them," Your best friend starts. "I just didn't know what, but I knew it had to be something remarkable, something for them to look back and have a good laugh," She looks at the both of you with tears in her eyes, chuckling.

You also wipe tears off your eyes, smiling back at her, and Henry tightens his embrace around you.

"So I sat down with these two, separately, and started to ask a few questions," She smiles and wiggles her eyebrows, which is an expression you know very well.

'Oh my,' You think. 'What is she up to?'

"Things started to get really interesting from the start, and I decided to make a video out of it," Your best friend winks at you. "Without further ado, enjoy it."

With a pleasant smile, she sits down. The attention turns to the screens set around the venue.

You remember sitting with your Maid of Honor to chat about your relationship. You didn't really understand why she wanted to do that. However, it always has been effortless talking about Henry, and you brushed it off as having something to do with the wedding.

You recall having a great time answering her questions – drinks might have been involved beforehand, but the whole process was surprisingly professional.

Your friend's face pops up on the screen as she introduces herself. "In this little video, I wanted to talk about our lovely couple's amazing and fun story, especially the day they met," She explains. "Newlyweds, I love you very much, and I hope you like this little something I put together for you."

She blows a kiss and waves. Then in fancy lettering, "A love story" is scribbled on the top-left corner of the screen, and "A story of love" on the bottom right corner. You wonder why both phrases – which convey the same thing – are on the video, but the thought quickly slips your mind when your smiling face appears on the screen.

"State your name and occupation, please," Your friend prompts on the video, but she's out of the shot.

You roll your eyes amusedly. "What's this, a trial? I'm innocent, your honor!" You giggle, making everybody at the venue laugh.

You answer the question anyway, and your name also appears written on the video.

"For the purpose of... this, I'm the bride?" It sounds like a question, and you make a face, unsure of yourself.

She never explained what the video was for, in your defense.

Right after you, Henry appears. "I'm Henry, and I am the lucky groom," He smiles brightly, looking as handsome as always.

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