Being jealous: Stefan Salvatore

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Normal Stefan being jealous was bad enough, but ripper Stefan was another story.

You could feel the change in his demeanor straight away when someone even looked at you in a way he didn't like.

His arm would wrap around your shoulders and pull you tight towards him before he kissed you, hard, right in front of the offender.

They're taken. Go and scramble to someone desperate who wants you."

Stefan! There was no need for that!" He looked down at you with that cocky smirk that you adored. "They were looking at something that's mine, I didn't like that. So, they needed to go."

If a person didn't get the message the first time, Stefan would damn well make sure that they got it the second.

"I thought I told you to find someone else."

I don't want to. I've found what I want." They lunged forward and tried to grab you, but Stefan intervened. "They are mine. Have I not made that clear?"

Stefan grabbed them by the neck and pushed them against the wall, baring his fangs at them. "I won't hesitate to rip your throat out." Looking at the person's petrified face was enough for Stefan to know that they got the message.

You always thought that Stefan was dangerous with his humanity switched on but when he was in his ripper faze, it made him more dangerous and much more attractive to you, especially when he was jealous.

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