Practically Dating: Johnny Knoxville

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'Me, you, movie in my trailer at the end of the day? How does that sound?' Johnny's voice came from your side as he flung his arm around your shoulder while you were walking onto set.

'Sounds perfect,' you agreed, breaking out into laughter as Johnny tripped over his own feet, his grip on your shoulder being the only thing keeping him upright.

You and Johnny had always had a bit of an unconventional relationship; you weren't dating but anyone who looked in on your relationship could have sworn that you were. You were both just comfortable in each other's company and chose to spend the majority of your time with each other instead of with everyone else.

Throughout the day, you and Johnny would just seem to gravitate towards each other and, Johnny being Johnny, he would always make sure to turn the charm on.

'Drinks tonight? I've got the first round,' Spike said in a brief intermission from filming, looking around at the rest of the group, grinning when everyone was nodding in agreement.

'Sorry guys, can't tonight, I've got a hot date,' Johnny replied, causing everyone's heads to sharply turn towards him.

'Who the fuck are you going on a date with, Knoxville?' Chris asked.

'This angel sitting right next to me,' he said, placing his hand on your thigh and giving it a squeeze before teasingly sliding his hand higher until your hand wrapped around his wrist, halting his movements.

'Behave,' you warned, unable to hide the laughter in your voice.

'That's not what you were telling me last night, sweetheart,' he grinned, pressing a quick kiss to the side of your head before standing up and heading away from the group, leaving you with bright red cheeks.

'Wait, did you two?' Steve-O trailed off as he looked between you and Johnny's retreating figure, Johnny's laughter fading into the distance the further he got from the group.

'No!' You were quick to shoot him down, only for Johnny's cackle to sound again in the distance.

'Guarantee, it'll happen before we wrap this film. They're practically dating already,' Jeff said, causing your cheeks to heat up once again.

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