Our precious girl: Aemond Targaryen

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Summary: You didn't know how Aemond would react to you giving birth to a girl, as everyone around him voiced their preference of male child.

 After the war had ended, with the greens winning, your betrothal to the Prince had gone as it was planned, though he did not come to visit storm's end once after the incident with his nephew, since the realm plunged into war immediately, he still wrote to you.

Telling you about his victories, you frankly did not expect him to be so interested in you, considering how he did not seem interested when he had first visited.

You both were married in the sept in front of many, but especially your family and his, the septon prayed to the seven, wishing you both a prosperous marriage.

He had been gentle that night, refusing the bedding ceremony to protect your honour, he took his time with you, letting you get comfortable with him before he did anything, he would constantly ask if you were okay with what he was doing, respecting and worshipping your body, pouring all his love into you.

And soon you were with child.

You did not know what to expect during pregnancy, having been new to it, there would be nights when you would wake up and sob, the anxiety of not being able to be a good mother plaguing your mind, but Aemond would reassure you.

"Lord hightower." you bowed a little to show respect to the hand of the king and he nodded his head, so you raised your head back, he gave you a tight lipped smile, "How is the babe, Lady Baratheon?" he asked, "The maesters had said it was healthy, and I can expect to go into labour anytime soon." you reply, and Otto nods his head, "I hope he is born healthy." Otto says and your hand twitches slightly, "We do not know if it is a male, my Lord." you intersect, hoping not to offend him. "It should be, as men carry on the legacy, even if it isn't, you always have a next time, I feel Aemond would be disappointed with a girl." he says and you take deep breath, "I see, let's hope it is a male then." you look down, saying it quietly, he nods and then leaves, and you put a hand on your swollen belly, trying to calm your nerves down. You wondered if Aemond would be really displeased with you if it wasn't a boy.

You were on your way to your chambers until you heard voices of what seemed like Alicent and Aemond.

"Do you not want a boy son? A male child will be the one to carry your legacy, not a female, let us pray that the babe is a boy." Alicent says and Aemond is quiet before he hums, "A boy would be good." you did not want to listen anymore, and stopped intruding on their conversation, walking swiftly to your chambers, and breaking down.

"—but it isn't up to us mother, I do not mind a girl as well, for the fact that she will still be my offspring, my child. I would love them both equally." he finishes his sentence and Alicent smiles at him, "You're right, it seems I have been spending too much time with your grandsire." She rubbed his arm reassuringly, thanking the gods for letting at least one of her sons turn out right, though he was a kinslayer.

Yet you did not hear any of the later conversation, and you didn't address or voice your concerns to Aemond as you thought he would reprimand you.

And then you went into labour.

After what seems like hours of agonising pain, the babe was finally born, bringing you relief, as you breathed heavily, the midwives cut the umbilical cord, before cleaning the babe.

The door slammed open as Aemond stood there shock and in panic, he had waited outside for way too long, but the moment he heard the babe's cries, he couldn't hold himself back, the maester was confused and the midwives gasped, they quickly came over to you and covered you appropriately.

"Your grace, it is too soon for you to enter-" the maester begins but Aemond cuts him off, "I do not give a shit."

The babe is then given to you, wrapped in a cloth, and you welcome it with open arms, smiling at the way it coos, tears welling up in your eyes as you notice the head of platinum blonde hair strands, knowing that it took after the father, the midwives help the babe latch onto your breast, letting you feed it.

"It is a girl, your grace." The maester says and silence fills the room, and you hold your child tightly to you, in fear, fear that you disappointed Aemond, fear that she might not be loved, and the longer Aemond stays silent, the more anxious you become.

That was until a big smile broke on his face. He rushes over to your side and looks at the child in so much adoration, and you watch him confused, "Are you not disappointed?" you ask him hoarsely, "Why would I be?" he asks you, eyebrows furrowed.

"It is not a male, and your legacy cannot be carried on unless we have a male." you say weakly and he looks at you shocked, "What nonsense are you speaking my dear wife, she is our child, my legacy, as long as my blood flows inside her, she will pass it along just as a boy would." he says, "Besides, I do not have give a fuck about all of this, all I care about right now is whether you're okay, and if my daughter is okay." his gaze softens when he looks at her, index finger rubbing her cheek, as she suckles on your breast.

"My precious little girl." he says, tone tender and loving as he gazes upon his daughter, so much love pouring from him.

"Our." you mumble and he chuckles, "Yes, our precious girl." He places a small kiss on your forehead, "You did well my wife, thank you so much." You felt so loved.

"What do you want to name her?" You ask him and he seems to be in thought, "Visenya." he speaks.

"Like your ancestor, the Queen?"

"Yes, Visenya Targaryen."

Just then the baby coos as if in agreement, making you and him chuckle.

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