The Visit: Natasha Romanoff

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Summary: With Natasha and Y/n being together for over a few months now it was time to make the visit. The visit for Natasha to finally meet Y/n's parents. Which could end perfectly, or horribly. (If your parents suck then the parents are OC's)

Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader

"Okay, we have a few minutes before we get to my mom and dad's place let's go over some ground rules." Y/n pulls out her phone as Natasha drives up the snowy mountain, "Okay, number one keep the SHIELD talk to a minimum, please. Number-" Y/n's cut off by Natasha's laughter, "What? What's so funny to you?" Natasha restrains her last few giggles, "Nothing nothing. It's just kinda going to be hard to do that with the big-time Avenger thing we have going on."

"Alright fine." Y/n groans tilting her head back into the headrest. Natasha rests a hand on her thigh keeping a tighter grip on the wheel with the other hand. "Detka, it'll go fine. We're just staying for a couple of days. There's nothing to worry about." Grinning to herself Y/n stares out the window on her side. "Save those ideas for the drive back to the compound."


Before Natasha can even park Y/n's mom opens the cabin door excitedly. "Y/d! The girls are here!" Y/d smiles walking out of the cabin as he watches Natasha open Y/n's door. Y/d inches closer to the car, "Do you two have any bags you need help with or anything?" Natasha opens the trunk of the car grabbing both Y/n and her own duffle bags. "Oh, no. I've got Mr. L/n don't worry about it."

Walking into the cabin was strange for Y/n to say the least, nothing had changed in the years she'd been gone. "Where can I set these down?" Natasha politely looks over to Y/n's mom. "Oh you can just set them down in the guest room, it's down the hall second room to the left." Y/n furrow's her eyebrows, "You turned my childhood bedroom into a guest room?"

Y/m moves to the kitchen stirring the pot of food on the stove, "Y/n honey that's just what we call your room we didn't change anything to it." Y/d tries to reason with her, "Plus, Y/n the 'guests' are just your cousins when we have family over." Y/n sighs walking away from her parents and towards her room. "Tone down the attitude ma'am. Just because you're a little superhero doesn't mean you can't have manners!" Y/m retorts.

Leaning against the doorway of her old room Y/n watches Natasha look around in amazement.

"Your room's cool. It's so cozy." Y/n flops onto the small bed back first. Letting out an exasperated sigh Y/n stretches out her arms, "Welcome to me." With that comment, Y/n gives Natasha a sarcastic smile as she lies beside her.

Natasha elbows Y/n looking up at the ceiling closer. "You really had glow in the dark stars on your ceiling?" Y/n scoffs playfully glaring at Natasha, "Don't shade the stars, Nat."

As a few quiet minutes pass by Natasha suddenly springs up from the bed. "Come on get up." Natasha has a hand outstretched to Y/n. Y/n groans, "Why?" Natasha grins pulling Y/n off the bed, "You're gonna dance with me because you're quiet. And when you're quiet you're nervous. Plus dancing usually cheers you up."

"Sure, that's true. But there's no music." Moving closer to Natasha Y/n wraps her arms around her waist inching her lips closer to Natasha's.

The would be kiss was interrupted by Y/d clearing his throat, "Uh, lovebirds. Dinner's ready." The two awkwardly split apart Natasha making her way back to the kitchen first. "How much of that did you see?" Y/n looks at her dad timidly. He smiles, "Enough."


With the dinner already plated on the table Y/n sits next to Natasha with her parents sitting directly in front of them. "So, have you two always lived in the mountains? Like before having Y/n?" Y/d looks at Y/m awkwardly before looking back at Natasha.

"Well, I did. This was the house I grew up in. But I met my lovely Y/m in high school when I had to go down to the city for school." Y/m smiles at Y/d as he continues to eat his food. "Oh! Natasha!" Y/m perks up. "Has Y/n ever shown you pictures of herself as a baby or in high school?" Natasha smiles at Y/n mischievously. "No, I can't say I've had the pleasure."

Immediately Y/m jumps out of her seat, "Great! I'll go get the scrapbooks!" Y/n nearly chokes on the food she had in her mouth. "MOM! Mom! That's not necessary!" Natasha laughs with Y/d at the family antics.

Y/n groans as Y/m starts flipping through the thick scrapbook with Natasha. "Y/n." Y/d tries to get her attention. "You do know it's our job as your parents to embarrass you right." Y/d has a cheeky grin as Y/n just slouches in her seat. "Dad. Don't you have guns to clean or something before we go out tomorrow morning?"

Y/d puts his hands up in mock surrender but Natasha perks her head up a little from the scrapbook. She remembered a few weeks back that Y/n mentioned she went hunting with her dad a lot. "I could help you with that." Y/d looks at Natasha questionably. "You know how to clean a hunting rifle?"

"Yeah of course," Natasha replies a little overconfidently. "Good to know a famous superhero knows how to work more than a pistol. Come with me." Y/d motions with his head to the basement. As the two finally leave Y/n wipes her head toward her mom.

"Was the scrapbook thing really necessary?" Grinning Y/m turns back to a page with a picture of baby Y/n. "Yes, it was! Look how adorable my little baby is." Y/m waves around the book holding it up to Y/n. As Y/m places down the book again Y/n starts to get nervous again.

"Do you like her? Do you think Dad likes her? Honestly, I don't know even know what-" Y/m takes one of Y/n's hands. "Kiddo. Relax. I think I need to talk to her more but I do like her so far. And as far as it comes to your dad," she pauses so Y/n can hear her dad excitedly talking to Natasha, "I think he likes her a lot."

Running up the stairs of the basement Y/d pops back into the kitchen. He looks toward Y/m with a wide smile, "Can we trade Y/n out for her." Y/n scoffs looking at him almost offended. "Dad no! You can't do that." Y/d looks down at Y/n in a mock straight face. "Well, then you better marry her."

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