Dating: Natasha Romanoff

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At the beginning of your relationship, you went on many dates.After a while you two got closer and closerYou spend a lot of time together.Movie nightsCooking together, even tough she's not the best cook.Going to a fancy restaurantNat cares so deeply for youYou're always there for each other.She loves you so much.Natasha, making you braids.Taking you on a ride on her motorcycleShe loves seeing you wearing one of her helmets.Being friends with the other avengersCuddling in bedNatasha calling you Russian petnamesEating peanut butter sandwichesSpending late nights outNat wearing your clothes.Natasha would teach you archery.Natasha speaking Russian when she gets tired cause it's easier on her tired brain.You would learn Russian for her.Having lots of fun togetherWaiting of her to come back from a mission.Natasha, giving you comfort.Adopting a cat together and naming it LihoNatasha gets very protective over you.Being worried about Natasha when she is on a mission.She always tries to hold your hand when she gets the chance.Holding hands under tables and under blankets.She loves playing with your hair and giving you back rubs.She cuddles up to you during movie nights.Natasha is there for you when you're not feeling well.You are so glad to have each other.

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