Feelin' Gourd: Bucky Barnes

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Pairing: Mob!Bucky Barnes x reader

Summary: You really want to go on a trip to the farm but not with the girls this year. This year you want your husband to take you and even though he's the boss and busy a lot he always makes time for you, even if it means stepping out of his usual role and being soft and sweet...because for you, he'll do anything.

Warnings: It's fun and fluffy and sweet and soft!

Steve escorts the men out of Bucky's office and down the hall. He smiles warmly at you before his face hardens into it's usual work mask again as he practically pushes the men out the door.

With a soft goodnight to you he shuts and locks the door of your house.

Without waiting another second you skip to Bucky's office, stopping in the doorway when you see him focused on his phone.

"There you are doll face," he croons.

He looks up as he sets his phone down on his desk.

"Work done?" you ask sweetly.

"All done," he says as he holds out his arms for you.

You rush into the room and around his desk, falling against his chest and nuzzling his neck as he drags you onto his lap.

"Mm," he hums appreciatively as you wrap yourself around him.

He kisses your temple, taking your face in his hands before pulling your mouth to his. The kiss starts out sweet and soft but swiftly grows deeper as his fingers search for the bottom of your shirt, sneaking beneath to feel more of your skin.

"Bucky," you breathe out, pulling away enough to look into his eyes.

"What?" he asks, slightly breathless himself. "Missed you today."

He gives you his best boyish smirk, the one reserved only for you, and it makes your heart flutter.

"Missed you too," you whisper, peppering his check with butterfly kisses, "but..."

His lips find yours again and your words are lost against his mouth, his hands dancing higher until he's toying with the clasp of your bra.

He unhooks it with ease and starts to peel it off under your shirt.

"Buckyyyy," you pout.

"Doll," he groans as his hands roam over your newly exposed skin.

"I wanted to ask you something."

He stops his caresses, giving you a disgruntled look.

Your expression falls and he immediately brushes his thumb across your lips, cradling your cheek and drawing you closer.

"No, none of that now baby doll. I'm sorry. Talk to me."

You instantly brighten and he growls out a mumbled curse, knowing you totally got one over on him. With a bright and triumphant smile you toy with his tie, mindlessly adjusting it as you begin to talk.

"I want you to take me pumpkin picking."

His eyes widen and he blinks several times. "Pumpkins? Like on a farm?"

You nod excitedly, bouncing in his lap. "YES! We can pick our own to carve and get some for the front of the house and even get apple cider donuts and hot apple cider and take home a pie or pick apples to make a pie and maybe even go for a hay ride!"

Your enthusiastic wave of words rushes out and he can hardly keep up and all the while you're still fiddling with his tie and the collar of his shirt, smoothing out each until they're perfect.

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