Un-perfect: Patrick Bateman

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Patrick Bateman X Fem! Reader

TW!! Angst, crying, manipulation, abandonment, murder, kissing. 

You look down at your watch, you picked out a necklace for you and Patrick's hundredth date he assured you, you both should go on.

He ushered you to go and pick out a necklace for he didn't want to pick the wrong one.

And unexpectedly you found the one you wanted in an instant, it was being showcased and you purchased it, early than Patrick expected.

You walked up to the register, your black heels tapped the marble tills as you strutted toward the counter.

Pulling cash out, and asking how much would it cost, a feisty bill of 230. You paid it off and hurriedly ushered over a taxi.

Awkwardly saying hello and then telling the man your destination, surprisingly he drove fast, after he saw the money in your purse.

You thanked him whilst digging your key out the purse and stepping on the sidewalk.

You pressed your key code and walked up the steps, taking a left to the elevator. As you got in you dialed your floor number. Key in hand.

As it opened, you heels tapped the carpet, sounding more muffled than before. You took a two-step jog towards your door. Pulling your dress down and putting the necklace on.

Sliding the key into the key hole, you turned it with a *click!* stepping instead on the porcelain floor.


You coughed, only to hear shuffling. And music, you giggled to yourself wondering what he had in store.

You took of your heels, and walked onto the carpet side, your feet being rested and comforted by the new position and footing. You tip-toed towards the shuffling trying to be sneaky.

Opening the door with a slight creak.

You snatch the door open a wide smile on your face as you yelled "Patrick!" In happiness.

You saw him crouched down in a suit, plastic around his body. His head snapped towards you by the sound of your yelping voice. He stood hurriedly, almost in a panic. Trying to cover water he was hiding with his posture.


Your voice coed into his ears, you tilted your head over and he watched as your jaw dropped from what you had seen.

You took two steps back, eyes still wide from shock.

"Dear, honey-"

He spoke, a welcoming head stretched forward.

You let out a petrifying scream, he immediately rushed forward and grabbed your hand pulling you into his chest. A hand over your mouth but slightly tilted so you could breath from your nose.

He whispered

"Calm down,"

Repeatedly whilst giving harsh pressuring kisses on your forehead. His other hand over your chest, monitoring your heartbeat.

He waited until your heartbeat cooled down before he let you go carefully whilst locking the door.

"Listen to me."

He commanded. Kicking whoever's body over flat. You gulped in response nodding your head repeatedly.

"You trust me right, you know I would never hurt you?"

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