Narcissist: Nicky Nichols

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Pairing: Nicky Nichols x Reader

"Lasagne, huh?" Nicky observes while poking at the substance with her plastic fork. "Eh last time i checked, the pasta sheets weren't supposed to be boiled into nothing but what can ya do?"

"It could be a lot worse, at least it's not beef stew." You say, giggling slightly as you watched Nicky push around the chunks of meat.

"Baby, please don't talk about yesterday's beef stew. My stomach is still trying to get over the tragedy."

You and your girlfriend, Nicky, carried on your light-hearted chatter, moving away from the gross food talk, until Nicky stopped dead in her tracks to eye up a table that was staring at you.

"The fuck is their problem?" Nicky spat out, loud enough so the table looking could hear.

One of the many things you admired about your girlfriend was that she was extremely flexible with emotions and could go from happy to concerned in a heartbeat, if need be. However, you could really go without the drama today and prayed she'd just back off of the girls.

"I don't know, baby don't start any trouble-"

"Something amusing to you?" Nicky calls out to the table, blatantly ignoring your request.

One of the girls descends from the flock and saunters towards you and Nicky. The latina seats herself next to you and tries to block Nicky out using her body.

"So, my friend is super into you and wants to know if you're down." The woman besides you points to another latina with blonde highlights and a neck tattoo.


"Not meaning to interrupt anything here but ay mami, are you stupid?" A defensive voice sounded from behind the woman.

When Nicky was finally in your sight once again you could see how angry she was. She had her usual smug smile plastered across her face but it felt different, this look had a vicious nature to it that gave off a strong 'don't fuck with me' vibe.

"Excuse me?" The latina questioned while narrowing her eyes and looked directly at Nicky.

"¿Eres estúpido?" Nicky repeated in Spanish.

The woman beside you scoffed, "and why do you ask?"

Nicky shook her head slightly, still wearing that smug smile. "You're fucking with my girl here, doll, I suggest you leave before you regret it."

"She's a big girl, she can make her own decisions."

Both women were now staring at you, waiting for an answer. You mirrored your girlfriend's smug actions, crossing your arms and eyeing down the girl.

"I think you should do what my lovely girlfriend here has just told you to do. Toodles." You falsely smiled, giving a little wave.

The latina looked between you and Nicky before getting up and mumbling 'ay dios mio' under her breath.

"That was so fucking hot Y/N." Nicky rasped while slowly taking her lower lip into her mouth and biting it.

"Mmm, you're just a narcissistic fuck, aren't you?" You teased.

"Baby," Nicky lulled. "How so?"

"You're completely turned on by the fact I acted like you back there to get my own way."

"Valid point." She winked. "Now follow me before I give into the urge to fuck the shit out of you on this table." Nicky whispered while grabbing your hand and pulling you towards the doors.

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