boba tea date: leon Kennedy

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pairing(s): leon kennedy x gn! reader

leon tries bubble tea for the first time, much to his reluctance (he likes it

content: fluff, established relationship,

"How far is this place?" Leon lets out a heavy grunt, sight unbearable as the sharp sunrays glaring onto the scorching asphalt. Heat so nauseating it permeates through his clothing to form sweat at areas less desirable.

Leon would rather cuddle next to you at home right now, under the lulling breeze of the air conditioning. But you insisted- no matter the heat nor the distance, you must have your hands on this drink in this thickened fog of heat. It's perplexing how you find space in your belly after such a hearty lunch today.

You loop both arms around his open elbow - propping up just for you to hold - as you flush your front onto his sides. Partial bribery, partial gratitude for joining you on this conquest despite the harsh weather conditions.

Leon lands his gaze on you - your lashes flutter, body fidget closer. There is no way he can deny you now. That you know and took full advantage of every single time. He groans in defeat, tilting his torso back as if to heave the weight of his well-satiated belly.

"What is this bubble tea? And why do you like it so much?" You call it a bubble tea, but he calls this concoction a monstrosity. Leon will never understand how one can make a drink already perfect imperfect?

"Oh, Leon. I'm about to show you a whole new world." You spin your heels, skipping a little in the firm grip of his arms.

"I'm surprised you still have an appetite." Leon's tone sounds faintly like a jab.

"There's always room for bubble tea." He suspects you say this motto often with the way the words uttered so instantly.

Leon grumbles Rebecca's name underneath his breath. Since you discovered it from Rebecca's introduction, this supposed 'habit' soon evolved closer to an obsession. Replacing your usual coffee order with a tall plastic cup of milk tea. With how Rebecca sweetens her coffee, whatever she recommends can't be good for you.

"I don't think I want bubbles in my tea." Leon tightens his lips.

"It's not real bubbles, Lee." You chuckle as you run your hands along his arms. "You'll love it, trust me!"

Hand in hand with yours, Leon follows your footsteps into a slender laneway, shying away from rows of corporate office on the main street. Red lanterns hang high, adorn by banners of words you can't read. You find familiar merchants chant a series of today's sales across the street, hubbub of both young and old, nesting the air in this hidden away part of town. Even during a weekday, Chinatown is busy - endearingly so.

You approach a humble corner shop you often frequent. Walking up the front of the counter with one confident stride, only taking a step back at the realisation of your confused boyfriend.

Nudging at Leon's elbow, you point at the signage that displays their extensive list of flavours, options and customisations. "Get the winter melon milk tea with extra boba."

"Get your own." He scoffs at your audacity.

"I want mango. But I also wanna try the winter melon tea." You cling onto his arm, flushing your body onto his. Puffed cheeks, downturned eyebrows - you know he can't say no. Leon can't ever say no to you when you do that face.

"So I'm your experiment." He sighs underneath his breath, but his countenance softens when he sees your toothy smile as the line moves forward. "What does winter melon taste like, anyway?"

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