Hiding: Tig Trager

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Tig Trager x Reader

Summary: Tig has been in hiding after kissing the reader whilst drunk

Prompts: "Nobody's seen you in days." And "I can't imagine my life without you in it. You are so important to me, you are such a big part of my life, that I just...I can't imagine you not here."

You were getting worried now it had been three days since anyone had seen Tig, the last time you saw him was at the party, the one where he got extremely drunk and ended up kissing you.

Since the party all you could think about was the kiss, you had wanted it to happen for a while now but were too scared to say how you felt. But now he had gone missing and you were worried you did something wrong.

Leaning against the bar as you reached Tig's answerphone again.

"He's still not answering?" Chibs asked

"Nope and I'm getting really worried now" you sighed running your hands over your face, then it suddenly hit you.

There was one place that you hadn't checked, your spot down by the lake.

"I think I know where he is" you said suddenly grabbing your keys off the counter rushing out of the club house.

You broke every speed limit to get to the lake, as you abandoned your car you saw Tig sat throwing rocks into the lake. You couldn't get over to him fast enough.

"Hey you" you said walking up to him "you okay nobody has seen you in days"

"I'm good, I just needed to work a few things out" he sighed.

"Well next time text me yeah" you laughed playfully punching him. "You got me worried"

"You were worried about me?" He smiled

"Yeah I was" you whispered. "Was it because of the kiss?"

"Kinda" Tig said as he ran his hand down your arm. "I can't imagine my life without you in it. You are so important to me, you are such a big part of my life, that I just...I can't imagine you not here."

"Tig do you know how long I had been waiting for you to kiss me" you whispered resting your hand on his cheek. "I'm glad you got drunk and kissed me"

"So I didn't screw things up?" He whispered.

"No you didn't" you smiled "now kiss me.

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