Chapter 2

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*Y/N's POV*

I was just reading my book as it was that jerk's class.
Honestly I can't understand even a single thing.
By the way the way he's the teacher of the subject Buisness law ...

I was trying to understand the concept on my own and reading my book when a chalk hit me directly at my forehead.

"WHY ARE YOU NOT PAYING ATTENTION IN THE CLASS?!" Teacher yelled at me "You'll have to stay after classes! Did you hear?" He asked... No I don't want to stay...
I wanted to say:
"Yah you jerk! What do you think about yourself... Look at you! Don't you have a tiny bit of shame left in you?! How the Fuck can you think of me like that? You asshole fucking piece of shitt!"

But all I did was...
just nodded

How humiliated I feel. Only I know... I can feel someone looking at me and smirking and I already know whi it is...

'Hyuna' Another bitch of our school always hate me for no reason honestly I never call her Hyuna I just call her a Hyena!...
Funny right? Well it match her more...

"Are you fine Y/Nah?" Eunwoo asked with worry laced in his voice. I smiled a little and squeezed his hands gently while nodding.

I'll be fine. Right?

After sometime it was break. The bell rang and everyone started leaving... In the last Eunwoo looked at me. I smiled and nodded and motioned him to leave... He hesitated a bit but then left.

"Come her Y/N" This so-called teacher of mine said and I just went to him with unsteady steps...

"So-Sorry Mr. Yan. It will n-not happen again" My head was hung low...

"It's ok Y/N. You should care about your marks what if you fail? I care for you darling" He said holding my hands... I feel disgusted by his touches... I quickly jerked my hands out of his grip...

"C'mon don't be shy around me. Be my sugar baby and let me treat you with my money and the marks I have in my hands" How dare he!!!  That was it I screamed for the first ever time in my life on a teacher.

"HOW DARE YOU?! DO YOU THINK OF ME AS A SLUT?! DON'T YOU HAVE ANY SHAME! WHAT IF SOMEONE DID THIS TO YOUR DAUGHTER?!" I slapped him across his face. His face tilted to one side... My hands were on my mouth... What I Just Did... I slapped my teacher!

He looked at me with burning eyes and held my wrists... I tried to free myself and after a while I bit his hands very hard that he let go of my hand. I can taste a iron-ish taste of his blood. I really bite him very hard.

I ran from there... After a while I stopped in the garden of the university campus. No one was there as everyone must be having there classes.

I sat down at a bench near a tree and started thinking about what just happened...
Any other girl must have started crying but I didn't.

No tears were there in my eyes rather my eyes were filled with rage and anger

I took out my favourite notebook... And scribbled his name on it under so many names.

Yan- Cheol

I noticed that my this favorite little notebook. Actually a pocket diary ended just now. It's ok we'll buy another one if needed.

After a while I got up and went to my class and it was my favourite class of HR Management...

In this time Eunwoo was not in the class as he's maybe bunking... Ah what do I of this brat!

And like this the university ended.

It was currently 2:00... and I was walking back to my house. My University ends at 12.40 usually... But I stayed in the library today so that's why I'm a lil late...
I entered in the house and directly went to my room. My parents are not home. My mum work as a p.a in my Uncle's company. My uncle is my Mother's brother actually cousin.

And my Father he own a numerous 24/7 convenience stores.

I took a quick shower and then directly drifted off to sleep.

I woke up at 5:17... A nice sleep...

I got up washed my face and went out for a walk to ease my mind as the things happened today rewinded in my mind.
First I went to a park but it was crowded as hell with toddlers and teenage couples... I don't want anyone to be around me now. I just want to be alone for a minute. I went to a side and then eventually started walking along the foot path.

I was walking and walking when I felt someone following me I turned back to see who it was but there was no one... The way was calm and not many people were there. I was walking with my head back and when I turned my head to the front I saw a car coming in my way with full speed...
I let out a scream

Why the hell all the cars have a problem with me! My eyes shut close and then I felt...


Hey guys I'm back hope you all are well.
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Till then Bye Bye

Saranghaeyo 💜

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