Chapter 28

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*Author's POV*

The next day everyone gathered in the living room just to chill after a tiring and long in addition to that an over dramatic night.

Every body noticed that Jimin was way too happy and Yoongi was way too tense.
And about Hoseok? He was way too lonely.

"Jimin I guess something to spill. Isn't it?" Jungkook asked to the short guy.

"Um ye-yeah" Jimin stutterd out thinking if he should tell them or not.

"Aww don't be shy chim tell us" Y/n said smiling at him.

"So I–" He stopped giving a dramatic sigh.

"Say it!" Every one said in unison except Yoongi.

"I've proposed Yoonji!" Jimin said loudly

"Ok... Wait WHAT?!" These weird people called mafias yelled loudly.

"You did what?! For real?! Oh my God! I feel extremely single now!" Hoseok said fake crying.

"Shut up Hobi oppa!" Y/n said and shook her head "So when are you introducing her to us Chim?" She asked and looked teasingly at the pink-ish haired man.

"Maybe Tomorrow" Jimin said and smiled widely.

"Oo Damn!! I'm excited!" She chimed happily.
Jimin just shyly looked down.

"Sugar Meow??" Y/n called out for her brother...

"Y-Yeah?" Yoongi the great savage MEOWW stutterd.

"You too have something to spill right?" Y/n asked being a bit suspicious...

"Uh... Umm no no-not at all." Yoongi stutterd out lowering his head. Y/n knew that he was surely hiding something.

"Doesn't look like that to me. Just spill the beans Sugarmeow." Y/n asked crossing her arms on her chest. Yoongi nervously chuckled looking up at all of them.

"Actually... Umm Actually. I-I've found your..."

"My?" Y/n waited for him to complete...

"Your..." Yoongi dramatically paused earning a groan from everyone. "...Your... Sister in law."

"Oh okay... WAIT WHAT?!!" The whole mansion seemed like it just had a earthquake by the way they all spoke more like yelled at the same time.

"Yoongi? You too?" Hobi fell on the couch dramatically. "Oh God I'm the only single one in the group now?" He fake cried Hiding his face in the cushions.

"Oh please shut up Hoseok hyung." Jungkook said patting his shoulders.
The whole mansion was quite a mess now. Y/n still in shock that what just happened here. She was happy but too shocked well everyone was except Hoseok because he was too busy with his own loneliness. Poor Hobi.

"Who's the lucky girl bro?" Taehyung who was quiet the whole time finally spoke up.

"Well let me introduce you to her... Right now." And that was it. The same blond girl with soft features from yesterday night walked in from the main doors.

"Uh.. hello guys." She spoke with a hint of nervousnes as well as excitement in her voice.

Y/n was shocked to see her.
"Ji hyun?" Y/n blurted out. Her eyes wide as saucers and jaw dropped to the ground.

"Y/n you know her?" Taehyung asked now keeping his hands on her lower back.

"Yes... But she can't be here." Y/n's voice trembled as she looked at Yoongi.

"Why... Not?" Taehyung asked. He was quite taken aback by the sudden twist yet again.

"She died a long ago! How can she be here?!" Y/n said with a look of disbelief on her face. Her eyes filled with confusion and shock.

"Wha-What do you mean?" This time Jimin was the one asking this. The look of utter disbelief and surprise visible on his face. Not only him but Hobi, Namjoon, Seokjin, Jungkook and Taehyung all of them were looking at her like she was some crazy person. Well the things she was saying are proving that.
How can she say that a living person died way long ago?

"She's the librarian's daughter. Remember the university librarian. She's her daughter. Her... Her mother was the one who saved me from that accident planned by Da som. She's the same daughter who died a few years ago because of a car crash. She's the same damn daughter of hers!!" Y/n explained. Her face filled with horror. Not the fear of ghosts but the surprise of seeing one in real life.

"Oh relax guys. I'm not a ghost. I'll tell you everything Y/n." Ji hyun chuckled shaking her head "That was all a plan to keep you safe Y/n. My mother knew that who you were because she also worked for your father back when all this happened. Da som was the only one to be blamed for my car crash. But it didn't really happened. Yoongi saved me that day and I never knew that you were his sister or he was your brother... We all were so close to each other but still so lost." Jihyun explained.

"Oh that's... That's too much twists for me... My life is surely a never ending carnival." Y/n shook her head leaning back in Tae's arms.

"You guys enjoy your couple times here I'm going out for a bike ride." Hobi walked out the mansion giving space to the couples. Being the only single-single in the group was a pain in ass for sure. He got on his bike as he sped towards a particular direction. His bike roaring in the silent streets.
But then...

A girl was crossing the road as the signal was green but here the problem is... Hoseok couldn't stop his bike!
He tried his hardest to control the bike but in the last he had to turn the handle in a flex saving the girl but causing him to drift past her. The girl stood straight with eyes wide hands raised in air lips parted.
"Are you okay?" Hoseok quickly asked leaving the bike and rushing towards the girl.
He couldn't help but admire the tiny girl barely 5'2 to be specific. Her short jet black shoulder length hair. Her pretty icey blue pools. Her fine sharp nose. Her cute little red lips... Maybe it's a little too pervy to stare but he couldn't help it. She's just too beautiful to not be looked at.

"I-I'm s-sorry" The girl stutterd out letting her hands fall.

"No no it was my fault. Can I ask for your name miss?" Hobi asked maintaining a safe distance from the girl trying not to scare her. He was feeling guilty what might have happened? He could have killed her and that was the thing hurting him.

"I'm f-fine. You don't need to worry about that." The girl nodded " ...I'm Sunhyun"

"Sunhyun.." Hoseok whispered as he smiled. The both of them walked away from middle of the crossing to a side and from here...

The story ends.
Wanna know something?
It was the same Road crossing where Tae had found Y/n;)


Yo bish!
Missed me?!
I know it's been ages but I was so engrossed in my finals and then my new session studies and then the assignments. Plus I have upcoming exams from the 30th.

Well This book ends here.
The end may not be the ideal ending you wanted but I tried my bestest. So I'll appreciate it if you'll appreciate my work and my appreciation.

So BYE!!

So BYE!!

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A gift.

"Professor" Kim Where stories live. Discover now