Chapter 19

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*Continued chapter 18*
In Author's POV

"Hmm my turn" The maknae Jungkook said "So my question is for Cruella... You remember you had a 'hobbie' of collecting blood coated blades do you still have it" Everyone turned to Y/n who was now sitting there without any expression on her face. Shocked was a understatement for the looks everyone was giving to Y/n

"U-uhh n-no nothing is like t-that I don't have any hobbies like that it was just one time. I was really young like 7-8 years and found a blade in my mother's wardrobe and my favourite colour was red so yeah that's why I kept it" she explained honestly... Everyone looked at her like she have grown two heads.

"Hmm so now my turn right?" She said as she was the person sitting next to Jungkook.

"Sooo my question is for... Umm to cat man so don't you have a sister and if yes then why you don't have manners to talk to a girl like me who consider herself as your sister? Mr. Sugarmeow" She asked with a mischievous smile on her face everyone in the room sat with blank expressions... It was a sensitive topic.

"Y/n you shouldn't have asked him this" Jungkook said slowly

"Why it's not like his sister is gonna hit him for answering my questions" she smiled at her own words.

"Y/n just shut your fucking mouth and don't you dare mention anything about my sister!" Yoongi said through gritted teeth before getting up and dashing out.

"What happened to him?" She asked "Why he behaved like this to me?"

Taehyung massaged his temples before answering her questions.

"Y/n his sister got lost when they were kids and he's trying to find her" he continued "We don't know if his sister is even alive or-"

"Shut up Tae!" Namjoon cutted him off

"She's dead" Y/n said to herself. No one heard her

"I didn't mean to hurt him I'm sorry" Y/n said guilt filled in her voice...

Sometimes words are more effective then a sword and sometimes the same words can comfort us like no human touch can. We don't even know what impact of the words will be on the other person... It may make them happy like hell and sad like heaven. That's why we should think before saying.

"I'll go and apologize to him before it's too late" she said getting up... Hobi and Jimin tried to stop her cuz they know that Yoongi will blast on her if they don't stop her but she didn't listened and ran from there.

Y/n got in front of Yoongi's room slowly entered as the door was opened. She saw him sitting on the bed back facing her...

"I didn't mean to hurt you oppa" she said slowly walking to him...

"Get out" He said calmly through gritted teeth

"I want to apologise to you" she ignored him and moved towards him

"I. Said. Get. Out." He pressurised each word

"Mr. Sugarmeow" and that was it He got up and dragged her out of the room

"Don't you dare use that name for me! You hear me?!" He said and threw her out of the room.

She stumbled a little and got up straight and smiled at Yoongi before saying

"What if I don't Mr. Sugarmeow? Will you blast this house too?" She said and smiled innocently at Yoongi where as Yoongi was confused and shocked to see her like this.

*Meanwhile somewhere else in Author's POV*

"B-Boss we fou-found out where is Young mistress" A man covered in full black uniform said to the dangerous man in front of him.

"Hmm good where is she?" The man said with a deep and low voice.

"Bo-Boss sh-she's in our rival, Black swan's leader Kim's house" he said with his head bowed..

"Ahh that fucking Kim... He always try to snatch the things I want first he snatched my white world position then my underworld position and now my toy?" He said "Will I let that happen hmm?"

The man asked innocently to his men standing in the big dark cave like room.

"Go find out why my doll is with him and what relation he have with her" He sat back on his big throne which was decorated with some skulls at each side and crossed his legs like a king "and I'm letting you go because you didn't disappointed me but the next time can be your last so do your work properly. Hmm kid?" The other man nodded and dashed out quickly with unsteady steps...

*Back to Kim's Mansion*

"I hope Yoongi didn't hurt her" Hobi said worriedly

"I hope so" Jimin replied looking at the stairs.


Hey bish!!!

How's everything going?!
Huh missed me?

Yeah I know the answer to who's Y/n's brother is clear now.

Do vote!!

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