Chapter 24

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*Taehyung's POV*

This voice... Don't tell me

I turned around and found a pair of brown eyes similar to mine looking deeply in my soul well trying to find my soul which is already shattered long ago...

"Are you the one?" I asked looking in her eyes... I didn't wanted any betrayal but seems like God have different plans.

"Ohh Yes I am!" She yelled.

"Why would you do that? I Loved you. Right? I've done everything you wanted me to!" I don't want to yell but my life is fucked and this lady who is pointing a gun at a Unconscious Jungkook is crazy...

"Is my father's death was not enough?" I asked "My mother's murder was not enough?" How can she be so mean!

"Da Som leave my brother or-" I was about to say something but she cutted me off saying.

"Do you wanna know a secret?" She said coming closer to me while dragging Jungkook with her... She stopped right in front of me and whispered in my ears.

"I was the one to kill that bitch who you call mom" She smirked evilly and then ordered his man that came out of no where to tie me and Hyungs.

I was not in my senses. The lady I called and treated as my own mother. My step mother can do this? Why would she?

My mother was murdered in my own house. Then my father married Da som. We both were on good terms actually. I respected her. Then my father died in a car crash.

That was sad but thinking that my step mother was with me was like ok-ok.... But now I feel like. Why? Why I believed her? Just Why?

We all were tied up and dragged to a room. A typical basement.

"You know what I don't need you anymore" Da som said to Young soo with a bored expression and before this shit can say anything She shot him.

Duh you thought that she'll leave you? How can you be so stupid?

Anyway... We were like sitting there for a brief moment when she started speaking...

"Hmm you know what? I have you here tied up also I have your weak spot with me too. Soooo I can win!" She exclaimed loudly and clapped... Is she really mentally unstable?

"Why the fuck are you doing this?!" Namjoon hyung asked

"Well I... I don't know! Huh you piece of shit you are the only one who's in the way of me to reach the top mafia position so isn't that obvious?" She said and rolled her eyes.

"Well a surprise for you is on the way!!!" She yelled making me want to just slit her throat and stop her from making these annoying voices.

"I'm gonna show you death without killing you!" She said and by the time she completed Jungkook and Jimin were thrown on the ground still tied up.

She first grabbed Jimin's hair, looked at him for a brief second then smiled crazily and punched him. Jimin's hands were tied behind and that's why he can't really defend himself.

"Don't you dare touch them!" I yelled loudly

"I already did. See" She then started making small cutts on Jungkook's tied up hands.

He was yelping in pain and how pathetic of me that I can't even do anything.

"Mam we have one more here!" A man came in and said...
He dragged a unconscious Yoongi in and dropped him on the cold tiled floor...

No no no no no no no no no!

"Another toy!" She started jumping in joy.

She was about to cutt Yoongi but suddenly someone yelled...

"What was that?!" Da som yelled and looked here and there...

The mans rushed in the direction of the voice and soon we heard some yells of a... Girl. No It was Y/n

"Stop them! Don't hurt my Girl!" I yelled loudly making Da som to tilt her head and then again smile at me.

"Hmm let's see what I can do" She made that thinking face and then smirked.

"Dae Jung go and drag her here and remember to drag her by her hair!" She said and smiled... That guard nodded and went away.

"No you sick bastard try to touch her and you'll die!" I tried but no I can't!

I hate myself for everything now! One thing. I can't even do a single thing!

I can't even save my girl from these sick fucks!

Not long after I heard another scream... My butterfly is in pain... Because of me.


Hey bish!

I hope you are all good.

How was this chapter. I know a bit boring but the next chapter will be full pack action!💀

Do you want a gift?
Well sure!

Tae:- You seen my Kookie? I've finding him from a long time

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Tae:- You seen my Kookie? I've finding him from a long time

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