Chapter 26

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*Taehyung's POV*

Da som dropped on the floor unconscious and the lady walked towards Jungkook. I was about to shout at her but stopped when she un tied him and then untied Jimin.

"Are you both alright? Did it hurt somewhere?" She asked softly and caressed the faces of them with her bloody hands.

She held her hands back and moved to Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok, untied them and softly murmured some soft words. They were looking at her with confused lookes and she just chuckled before walking towards Yoongi.

"Are you ok Yoongles?" She asked softly making me wide my eyes. So she is who I am thinking she is... How? Why? When? What? Why this-

"I hope you are alright Mr. Kim" She came to me and untied me.

"Are you?" I asked hoping that she get what I was conveying her.

She chuckled softly and slowly crawled towards me and settled herself on my lap.

"Yes I am. Baby Bear" she said and hugged me tightly keeping her arms around my neck.

Soon she released herself from me and moved back and started speaking again.

"I know you all are probably disgusted by me" She smiled sadly...

"I have some things to reveal...
First... Yes I am Y/n. Min Y/n. Yoongi's long lost sister.
Second... I know that you all are mafias" my eyes were wide as saucers...

How in the world? What the actual fuck is happening?!

"When we were kids this bitch" she pointed at Da som "planned to kill your mother" she pointed at me...

"My father's trusted men was keeping an eye on her from that day because my appa knew that she is playing a dirty trick" she sighed.

"She got to know about about my father and all the situation and at the same time my mom gave birth to me. When I was 1 year old she planned th-the accident" she stutterd "Fortunately Yoongi stayed at home that day and we I mean me, appa, Eomma went to outing. and..." She stopped cleared her throat and started.

"Our car was rolling and rolling somehow I managed to survive even I don't know how... A lady took me and cared for me alot. She was like my own mother but things got messed and I have to stay in a orphanage... I still meet that pure lady" She smiled and continued...

"One day the Parks adopted me and I had to stay with them until the day they showed me there true colours and I can't help but take revenge... I was planning it but to my surprise Yoongi was in my house that day. I saw him doing something with the gas pipe... Well I'm smart enough to know that what was his plan" she walked to me, put her hand on my cheeks and smiled.

"Thankyou for everything you've done for me" She said and moved back.

"I got to know about Jungkook being my bestfriend when I started living with you guys and the same day I found out that Yoongi is my brother" She was trying to control her tears... I can't see her crying. The words she said before that I'll be disgusted were still fresh in my mind... How can I?

She's my everything...

"Sugar meow? Remember that you have a birthmark on your neck just like mine? I found that you are my brother by that mark" she smiled widely but somehow that smile was not a happy one. I know she's happy but not that happy at the same time.

"The day me and Yoongi went out we were not in some park but-" She was cutted off by Yoongi

"At cemetery" He hugged Y/n and started sobbing

"Why you said that my sister is dead? Huh you don't care for me?" Yoongi cried more and Y/n patted his back... It's not like she was fine. She was also crying.

"It's true that your sister is dead" she said making us confused... What in hell she wants to say.
Yoong moved back and looked at her with a confused look.

"Yeah it's true. I'm not the soft little girl who is weak but... A mentally unstable psycho Bitch!" She screamed and cried a little more "I'm a killer! I killed so many people without any regret!"

I rushed to her and embraced her tightly. She can't blame her for anything not when she don't know what she's saying...

"That Yan Cheol? I killed him. With my own hands" He deserved that... "Lee Hyuna I tortured her and she's still in hospital" atleast didn't died.

She swiftly took out a small diary from her blood coated white dress's pocket.

"I either killed or tortured the people in this diary" she said her voice cracking at the edges.

I opened the diary a load of names there all were having a big cross on them.

"It's ok mortala... It's fine they don't really deserved to live" yes it's true... All the people she killed were just pain in ass... All were some sick fucks.

"I know you're disgusted by me... And that's total-" I didn't let her complete her sentence and kissed her...

The kiss in which I poured my love for her... It wasn't a rough or lusty kiss but soft and delicate. First she was shocked but then eventually kissed back, closing her eyes and melting in the kiss.
I can taste the blood of her mixed with God knows how many people. Her lower lip was having a slight cutt. We'll take care kf it once we reach our home.

I smiled in between our cute movement that happened in the heat of the moment and don't really regret it a bit.

"Ahem Ahem" Someone cleared there throat
Yoongi hyung.

We parted away.

"Hands of my sister you punk. Don't you have manners? Your hyungs our here and her oppa is also here!" He scolded. I smiled at him and We all hugged each other tightly.

Everything happening is too good to be true.

"I love you all very very very much!" Y/n said cutely.

"We all love you too... Especially me" Jimin said earning a slap from Yoongi hyung and me...

"Eyes off her!" We both said in unison and soon laughed.

"Let's go home kids... We don't want to be dirty with these dirty pigs blood" Jin hyung said scrunching his nose up and Namjoon hyung kept his arms around his neck and smiled.

"Sure let's go" Namjoon hyung said.


Heya bish!!

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I hope you liked it...

I am afraid that this book will end in some chapters now🙂

A gift for you all

Tae:- Mi amor do you need something? I can bring the world for you if you want

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Tae:- Mi amor do you need something? I can bring the world for you if you want.

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