Chapter 10

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*Two days later*
*Author's POV*

Y/N was in her room sleeping. A sleep of restlessness. These two days she was feeling like shitt. Her parents didn't talked to her properly. She was feeling lonely but more she was curious to know about her real brother. After this betrayal she wanted to feel how having a brother feels like. Heaving out a deep sigh she  got up and marched towards her bathroom.

After having a long warm shower she came out... A towel wrapped around her body. She looked herself in the mirror. It was her birthday today. She smiled sadly at herself... After a while she changed into some decent clothes. A black tee with a pair of cargo jeans... It was a little chilly today so she put a black jacket on.
Jaehyun told her that they're gonna celebrate her birthday at 9:00 pm.
She wanted to put on a show to her friends so she invited her best friend Eunwoo and some of her classmates. She invited her favourite teacher and friend Kim Taehyung too.


It's my birthday today... The worst birthday ever. Anyways let's just hope for a happy future ahead. I smiled at myself in the mirror and went out of my house. I wanted a quite walk to clear my mind. Today's night would be long so freaking long.

*Time skip*

It was now 9:00 in the evening that mean the time for my birthday celebration.
I returned home a long ago.
I'm dressed in a decent skirt printed with white and black flowers and a plain black blouse I've matched it with a pair of white sneakers whereas my hair are tied up losely in a messy bun which is incredibly looking cute. Well I got some fashion sense.

I walked down when Jaehyun called me and told me that my friends started to arrive.

The moment I got down someone bumped into me and the drink they were holding fell down. Thankfully it didn't ruined my dress but I was worried about the person... First I'm already very mad at almost everything and second Why the hell these bastards don't have eyes?!

"Are you ok? I'm so so so so sorry I didn't saw you I was looking somewhere else. It's my mistake" The boy who just crashed in me said.

This boy looks so young maybe just a few years older than me. If I say he's handsome that will be a understatement.
Well one thing was a little strange that this guy looked a lot like someone.

His eyes have the same shimmer  and face is just as cute as a baby. Just like someone.

"No-No it's okay" I said and stood there in awkwardness.

"Well My name is Jungkook and I'm also studying in the same University as you are" He started.
Why the hell I didn't know that this lil bunny is studying in my University too. I laughed at my thought but soon stopped when this Jungkook guy looked at me like I've grown a horn in my head.

"Well uhh happy birthday!" He said I smiled awkwardly at him and he burst out laughing.

"You are so funny Y/N!" He said in between his giggles. I can't stop but smile at him. Not so long after I felt a presence behind me. I looked back and found Taehyung standing looking straight at Jungkook.

"He-Hello mr. Kim" I said he knows everything since I've told him yesterday about what I have to face after my birthday party.
I was worried that where would I stay and other things and he offered me that I can live with him.
I can't live with him but I don't even have any other place to go so I asked him for a little time to think about it.

"Hello Y/N... Happy Birthday! You are looking good" Taehyung said and then again looked at Jungkook.

"Hello mr. Kim!" Jungkook said. A little teasing in his tone but Why?
Ahh anyways.

After this little chit chat I waved a bye to them and got out of my house. Well this small celebration is held in the short lawn which is big enough to have a get together.

Not to mention there are not much people there. I found Eunwoo standing at a distance and talking to Eunji. I smiled looking at them. They look cute together.

Eunwoo do like her but is scared to confess. He practiced to confess in front of me many times but when it comes to do it, he hide in a corner. I went there and slightly pinched Eunwoo. He looked at me... and me? I just smiled evilly at him.

"Ohh Eunji hello!" I said

"Happy birthday Y/N many more returns of the day!" She said and hugged me "You are looking good simple decent and beautifully beautiful!" I laughed at her statement.

"You're looking good to!" I said truthfully. Indeed she was looking good.

Eunji was wearing a cute shoulder less floral printed long skirt reaching her knees. The colour perfectly matched with her soft blond hair.

Then I noticed that Eunwoo was wearing the same colour like it's not intentional but it twinned perfectly.

After that we laughed at random jokes and had some juice. Not long after my Appa came with a birthday cake.

Ahh fake it all Y/N

I watched them placing the cake on the centre table with a big smile on. The smile that once used to convince me that I'm wanted and loved. The same smile now showing me the desperation and need of me leaving after this cake cutting.

I smiled. A smile without any good. A smile without any happy thought, Just a smile to hide everything.

I went to my father and hugged him tightly.

Fake it all Y/N you can't have this moment again ever in your life

My father hugged me back he whispered something not to loud but loud enough to destroy me totally.

"Don't try to be oversmart just cut the cake thank the guests and end the party. Sign the papers and leave" I looked at him nodded slowly and let go. Everyone gathered in the lawn started singing the birthday song meanwhile I cutted the cake.

My used-to-be-parents and used-to-be-brother got in... leaving the lawn whereas some guests left after a half an hour. Some were still there.
Or I say Eunwoo, Eunji, Jungkook and  Mr. Kim  were still there. We four started walking out of my home.

We talked a little or I say they were talking. Soon I returned Mr. Kim and Jungkook still with me whereas Eunwoo left because his mother called him saying it's too late to roam around and about Eunji? She went with Eunwoo as he offered her to walk her home.


Hey bish!
What's up?!

Well what do you think will happen next?
Do tell me in the comments and vote if you liked it so far!

Love ya!!!

"Professor" Kim Where stories live. Discover now