Chapter 4

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*Y/N's POV*
I reached home and quickly went to my room...
Just when I entered my room I heard the main door being opened
Does Teahang- ahh what was his name Taehang... urghh I mean Taehyung  really followed me and walked me home? But what now why he's entering in?!!

Yah Shut up mr. Overthinking!

Yes gather some courage darling gather some courage you are strong... Let's see who it is yes let's see who it is.

I slowly moved a little and opened my room's door and slowly walked out to see...

My mom?

"Ohh Darling You are here!" She said and quickly hugged me.
A bone crushing hug.

"U-Uhh Mo-M You are cr- crushing me!" I said trying to make a little space between both of us...

"Where were you huh?!" She asked making me tilt my head in confusion. What does she mean?

"What do you mean mom. I was here only" I replied and her face changed to a somewhat dark one like she was angry and not satisfied by my answer.

"Yah! Liar! I reached home at almost 6:54 and tried to find you everywhere in the house! You were not here! Then I tried calling you but your phone was in your room... Then I called Eunwoo but he said you were not with him... And after that I ran out to find you... You know what time it is now?!" I nervously shook my head. I do feel guilty but most terrified of my mother. She can rap like a pro rapper when angry or pissed.

"It's freaking 8:30 now!" She yelled and I quickly hugged her trying to cool her down.

"Sorry mom... I'm really sorry I was just out for a walk and eventually didn't realised the time. I'm sorry. I promise it will not happen again" I consoled her and she forgave me and soon we pulled out and then I saw my dad entering.

"Hey Dad how was your day!" I chimed happily hugging him tightly he smiled and said

"Very nice daughter and see I've baught your favourite chocolates!" He said making me look at him.
I know it may sound a little crazy and childish but its a habit of my father and my favourite moment too. He never misses a day to bring several brands of chocolates and other this type of childish things. And ro be honest I love these gestures.

"So if you father daughter are done then let's go and eat something and you mr. Park do you want to have some water or not?" She said teasingly. After a long period of time they still are so lovey dovey and I just love my parents alot...

"By the way mom where is Jaehyun Oppa? I didn't see him since I came" I asked finally realising that my only brother is missing.

"He'll come home late today as he's out with his friend today" I smirked without them noticing. Well I do know that who this 'friend' is... Ahh soon I'll get a sister-in-law.

After that we had our dinner and then I went to sleep. I still have to go to university tomorrow. Ahh I don't want to face that punk though...
It's Ok Y/n you'll be alright.

*??? POV*

Ahh!!! Today I got to take my princess in my arms! She was looking so small in front of me...
Her eyes shocked when she saw me... The way she stuttered making me go crazy.
You really are something princess. Let me take you in my arms for the rest of our life.

I was in my car going to my mansion...

When I reached I quickly took a shower and then changed in some comfy clothes... I have a surprise for you princess just wait for tomorrow.
I know what happened with you today darling and I'm sorry I can't do anything about it... But I will not let him live peacefully once I get him.

I'll protect you from everything even if it means I have to take someone's life!

I can't die for you... Because I want to live for you and with you! Want to love you. devour you. admire you. Spoil you.

You are mine from the moment I laid my eyes on you!
I'll make you mine whether you like it or not.
If it means I have to force you then I can't help it.
Hope it happens without that...


*Y/N's POV*

I woke up with the sound of my annoying alarm... I turned ut off and checked the time. It was 7:02 a.m so I have so much time so let's take a long shower and have some me time with a cup of coffee.
I smiled at my idea and quickly went to my bathroom and had a comfy and long shower. After that I dressed myself in my signature clothing which is
A simple tee with a pair of loose sweat pants... A black jacket with white strips over it and a cap matching with my tee. I wore some comfy sneakers with it and then I'm ready. I know it's a little simple but I like my comfort more than fashion.

I went to the kitchen and made some coffee for myself... Then sat in my small lawn to have a me time.

Soon my coffee finished and I decided to go to my University... Although I'm still early but visiting the library and taking some books wouldn't hurt right?


Hey what's up
Bish I'm back...
Hope you like this chapter well this chapter was a little cringey. I agree but life is a waste if you never tried something cringe 💀

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